Dietary vs Supplemental Calcium

Dietary Calcium Best for Bone Strength

Studies conclude that taking dietary calcium is better for bone calcium and much more effective than taking a higher dose of supplemental calcium. 

  • Lowers kidney stone formation
  • Decreases cardiovascular disease
  • Increases bone strength

    2015 Calcium-Collagen Chelate Trial

    This trial used supplemental vitamin D plus calcium in one group. They studied the impact of the dietary supplemental KoACT® versus calcium and vitamin D on bone loss. KoACT is a calcium-collagen chelate, a compound containing calcium and collagen that are bound together. The KoAct was superior.

    2015 Carrots

    Another article has concluded that cooking carrots increases their level of beta-carotene. The downside of cooking veggies, is vitamin C can be destroyed. The trade-off may be worth it since more vegetables and fruits contain vitamin C than lycopene. Among them: broccoli, oranges, cauliflower, kale and carrots. Besides, cooked vegetables do retain some of their vitamin C content.

    2007 Broccoli

    Broccoli when eaten raw or in sprouts has higher myrosinase. Heat damages the enzyme myrosinase. However more indole is released from broccoli through cooking.

    2004 Indole

    Indole is an organic compound formed when cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage, are cooked. Indole helps kill precancerous cells before they turn malignant. It also can squelch h. pylori, the ulcer culprit.

    2015 Apple

    Evidence does not support that an apple a day keeps the doctor away; however, the small fraction of US adults who eat an apple a day do appear to use fewer prescription medications.

    2015 Raw vs Cooked Green Leafy Vegetables Calcium Content

    A chart comparing cooked leafy greens consumed commonly in India shows not much nutritional difference between cooked and raw leafy greens. The calcium content is also not much different.

    2014 Raw Vegetables Helped Decrease Death From Cancer

    Fruit and vegetable intake and cause-specific mortality in the EPIC study.
    Raw vegetable consumption was additionally inversely associated with death from neoplasms, meaning eating raw vegetables helped people from dying from cancer.

    2005 Long-Term Raw Vegetarian Diet Low Bone Mass

    A Raw Food vegetarian diet is associated with low bone mass at clinically important skeletal regions but it is without evidence of increased bone turnover or impaired vitamin D status. Their mean dietary calcium intake was low, 579±260 mg/day. Raw Food vegetarians with a low bone mass may not have an increased incidence of fractures because of good bone quality. In our Raw Food group, serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations were markedly higher than in the control group. Dietary intake of 25-hydroxyvitamin D was extremely low in the Raw Food group, and therefore their high serum values can be explained in part by a greater exposure to sunlight.

    1999 Long-Term Raw Vegetarian Diet Favorable LDL Cholesterol Triglycerides

    Long-Term Consumption of a Raw Food Diet Is Associated with Favorable Serum LDL Cholesterol and Triglycerides but Also with Elevated Plasma Homocysteine and Low Serum HDL Cholesterol in Humans
    In conclusion, the present study indicates that a strict raw food diet may result in remarkably low serum total cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations.

    Foods ↑ Bone Density, Dietary Foods

    2009 Raw vs Cooked Vegetables

    Germans who ate raw vegan foods were found to have favorable beta carotene but diminished ↓ lycopene. Some evidence has shown that with certain vegetables heat breaks down the plants' thick cell walls. This aids the body's uptake of some nutrients that are bound to those cell walls. However cooking destroys other nutrients. Cooked carrots, spinach (a quick dip of the leaves in boiling water diminishes phytates), mushrooms, asparagus, cabbage, and many other vegetables also supply antioxidants, such as carotenoids and ferulic acid, to the body when cooked. On the other hand, indole, an organic compound, is formed only when certain plants, particularly cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage, are cooked. Boiling or steaming preserves antioxidants, particularly carotenoid, in carrots, zucchini and broccoli. Deep fried foods are notoriously harmful to the body caused by an increase in free radicals, by the oil being continuously oxidized when it is heated at high temperatures. When cooking your own vegetable chips, soaking in ice water diminishes acrylamide a known carcinogen obtained when certain starches are heated to very high temperatures.

    2009 Lycopene: Are raw veggies better than cooked?

    2009 Veganism Bone Density in Buddhist Nuns

    Vegans had lower dietary calcium and protein intakes than omnivores, veganism did not have adverse effect on bone mineral density and did not alter body composition.

    1999 Vegetarians vs Non-Vegetarian Mortality

    Ecologic studies showed that the rate of fracture in countries with high intakes of animal protein was greater than in countries with lower intakes of animal protein. In this cross-sectional study, we did not ascertain the incidence of fracture. However, the self-reported prevalence of fracture in vegetarians (21%) was virtually identical to that in omnivores (23%), suggesting that veganism probably has no adverse effect on fracture risk. In the EPIC Oxford study, there is no significant association between veganism and fracture risk. Taken together, these data imply that veganism has no clinically detrimental effect on bone health.

    EPIC Oxford: 33,883 meat-eaters 31,546 non meat-eaters

    Participants were divided into four groups: meat-eaters, fish-eaters, vegetarians and vegans for the future purposes of assessing nutrition intakes. As one can imagine variation exists that should increase the ability of the study to detect associations of diet with major cancers and causes of death. This is part of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), a cohort of over 500,000 men and women recruited in 10 European countries during the 1990s.

    Eggshell Membrane, a Source of Calcium

    There have been two clinical trials with eggshell membrane in the elderly. This helped flexibility and pain in osteoarthritis.

    We are  sharing our experiences with PKD/PLD Diet, an adjunct diet envisioning it complementing a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Consider testing this with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it according to your own uniqueness by adding it to your current  treatment.

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