Hair - Skin

Sometimes we may get itchy skin, thinning hair, darkened teeth, cramping legs. Many personal care products aggravate cystic symptoms or increase cyst growth. Here are a few things we have tried to help diminish symptoms.


Cabbage juice with almonds is great for hair health. It turns any gray hairs toward their natural color.

Hair Masque

A hair masque can be made from ghassoul red clay or rhassoul clay (clay from Morocco) mixed with Klettenwurzel Haaröl (Burdock root oil or Gobi oil). A friend experienced a darken of the hair shaft and an absence of flakes. Mix with water; add a few drops of Burdock oil. Try this over the sink, making a paste of the burdock root oil, the rhassoul red clay and water; apply as a hair masque by dampening the hair. Apply the paste. Wrap the head with a towel turban style or a shower cap. Leave 15 minutes; wash out. Apply once week. Ghassoul or rhassoul clay is an ancient clay that helps the horny layers of the body : the skin, hair and nails.

Hair Loss

There was a time when my own hair fell out in clumps. I was under a great deal of emotional and physical stress. When I experienced the natural warmth from the afternoon outdoors with the dappled rays of the sun bouncing on top of my head, my entire body just breathed, "Ahhh". I experienced a deep relaxation from within and I improved. Hair loss can be slowed down by additional magnesium from potato skins or in the evening 425 mg of magnesium (check with your doctor) with one ounce of grape juice diluted in an ounce of water. This also helps one to sleep through the night by releasing the body's own natural tryptophan. Caution with magnesium. As the kidneys decline it is one of the minerals that cannot be eliminated.

An exercise at the gym—while holding onto some padded bars made for this purpose (the device may be called a Roman chair), flip downward so ones head is hanging below the body. This strengthens the back support muscles and additionally forces blood flow to the scalp region. Increasing blood flow to the scalp can also be accomplished through some gentle yoga exercises. It is thought that the increase in blood supply to the scalp may decrease hair loss. Maybe a scalp massage might be useful?

Some have tried castor oil to delay hair loss by using a vibrating brush, massaging the scalp with castor oil. This has had limited success with a few on chemotherapy.

Hair Shampoo

EWG has a cosmetic database that ranks products 0 to 10. Zero is free of harmful things. The tabs are sorted by makeup, hair, eye, skin products. One can search EWG for a particular shampoo. Panthenol is a good product when present in shampoos and conditioners. EWG under health/toxic has several sub-topics including water, food and more. Additionally there is an iPhone and iPad app. Here are some 500 shampoos that are low in chemicals.


Itchy Skin Sometimes with PKD as phosphorus rises, itching develops or this can happen as bilirubin rises with PLD. To help ease itching try using bentonite clay paste in lieu of soap.

Bentonite Clay Paste
1 cup of Bentonite Clay or Aztec Clay or Green clay
1 tablespoon of raw honey and
Add enough olive oil to make a paste

CAUTION olive oil can make shower surfaces very slippery.

While in the shower, apply olive oil on the skin. Then under running water, rub on bentonite clay paste (recipe follows). Wrap a sliced lemon in cheese cloth. Gently rub the cut surface of the wrapped lemon over the skin. Apply additional olive oil; rinse with water. Sprinkle baking soda on wet skin to help remove any residual oil; a final rinse with copious amounts of water; then pat dry.

Dry Skin

2 ounces of cranberry juice with one ounce of mineral water taken nightly helps smooth facial skin. Some have tried omega 3's, mainly hemp seed oil supplements to improve their skin. Continue to avoid fish and flax seed oil. These aggravate PLD symptoms.


Some have suggested using aluminum free deodorant. Antiperspirant generally contains aluminum or alum. Crystal deodorants contain alum.
From Jo - Grandma's recipe: Half-half mixture of baking soda and corn starch. Scoop a little on your finger and rub under your armpit. It won't stop wetness but there's no allergic reaction. And after about a week, if you skip a day you won't notice.

Fish Guide Safer Cosmetics Dirty Dozen Food Guide
Fish Guide App Not so Pretty Phthalate Xenoestrogens
  Skin Deep  
PLD Diet Liver iBook PKD Diet Kidney iBook
PLD Diet Liver Kindle PKD Diet Kidney Kindle
PLD Diet Liver PDF PKD Diet Kidney PDF


Many search out and use fluoride-free toothpaste. Others have replaced their high mercury silver amalgam dental fillings with porcelain fillings. Epoxy fillings there is a question as to the plastic containing endocrine disruptors.
Fluorine is abundant in parsley. Fluorine has an entirely different molecular structure from chemically-produced fluoride. Tooth decay results from a shortage of fluorine, not fluoride. It is the combination of calcium and fluorine which creates a very hard protective surface on teeth and bones. Fluorine also protects the body from infectious invasion, germs and viruses .Parsley is an herb source of both vitamin C and iron.


Some use a shower head filter to diminish residual chlorine and chemicals from shower water. Showering can expose one to more chemicals than drinking water.

Puffy Eyes

To reduce puffiness, leave wet chamomile tea bags overnight in the refrigerator. In the morning place two cool damp chamomile tea bags over the eyes. Let sit for about ten minutes.

Matted Spider Telangectasias

Purposely diminish exposure to estrogen, endocrine disruptors. Expose the areas to sunlight. Eventually if these are troublesome, they can be sclerosed with a dilute soap solution by a physician.

Other Helpful Things

Clay baths, saunas.
Foods: radish, artichokes, DIMs (broccoli sprouts), sunchokes, cabbage. Herbs: saffron, turmeric, milk thistle, veronica.
If the day ever arrives when kidney functioning becomes diminished, taking clay baths is one possibility to take advantage of the entire skin as an organ to help diminish body toxins. Saunas lower body toxins through sweat. Cabbage juice, turmeric, DIMs (broccoli sprouts), milk thistle, artichoke encourage the metabolism of any endocrine disruptors throughout the body by increasing estrogen metabolism through the liver. These also increase the integrity of DNA. Radishes help raise the ecoplast of the red blood cells and help with anemia.

For Your Reference

Phthalates [1.1MB PDF]
Safer Cosmetics [840 KB PDF]
Sunscreen Guide [82 KB PDF]
Xenoestrogens [172 KB PDF]
Skin Deep [website]
Dirty Dozen [373 KB PDF]]

We are  sharing our experiences with PKD/PLD Diet, an adjunct diet envisioning it complementing a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Consider testing this with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it according to your own uniqueness by adding it to your current  treatment.

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