Frequently Asked Questions - PKDiet

Many of us have noticed a difference by eating an alkaline plant based diet with a variety of fruits, vegetables, selected alkaline nuts, grains, seeds, legumes and beans all that have been pre-soaked. We avoid animal proteins and optimize our daily intake of proteins to 0.6 grams per kilogram of body weight taking a neutral protein balance - the same amount in that is utilized daily by the body. We limit sodium to Himalayan salt less than 1200 mg daily and we drink water, twice the amount of our output, about 3-4 quarts per day.
Dairy, animal proteins, table salt, nicotine, caffeine, aspirin, NSAID;s, tylenol seem to amongst things hardest on cystic kidneys. For a more detailed list check out kidney diet. Diets that hasten the onset of declining kidney functioning are high sodium, high protein, acidic diets, diets high in caffeine, and diets low in water consumption.
There is an ongoing trial in China with 17,000 participants that are eliminating animal proteins and supplementing with essential amino acids specifically designed for kidney patients. Preliminary results have shown they have halted protein spillage in their urine and normalized serum albumin. Read more Saving Failing Kidneys.

For your reference
2010 Alkalinity Clinical Trials
2010 Clinical Trial Alkalinity Improves Kidney Functioning in Chronic Kidney Disease

This is called PKDiet, because these foods have been specifically gathered from among us PKD'rs who have noticed a beneficial effect with cystic kidneys and a cystic liver. Foods are ignored that seem to be harmful to individuals with PKD and PLD. Alkaline food lists for PKD have been accumulated by eating these foods and checking urinary pH. This one reason why many alkaline food lists may differ. The PKDiet alkaline food lists are tested by individuals who have PKD or PLD. With PKD or PLD our alkaline reaction differs slightly. PKDiet food lists are more appropriate for PKD'rs. If you check your urinary pH, then this alkaline diet can specifically be adjusted for you personally as you hone down and zero in on which foods turn your urinary pH toward alkaline. Eventually as our kidneys become less healthy, they may retain potassium, phosphorus, and lose calcium in the urine. Check with your nephrologist and your renal dietician for a particular renal diet specific for you at your own unique time with PKD or PLD. There are also specific lists of avoids and beneficial for individuals with cystic kidneys and lists for those with liver cysts.

Yes, try here.


Firstly take the juice of one lemon, three times a day. Before breakfast, before lunch, and before dinner. Dilute this juice in a little warm spring or mineral water. Wait twenty minutes before eating your meal. Limit animal meats to 3 ounces once a week. Limit cheese to one ounce per week. Limit dairy to 1- 4 ounces 3 times a week. Limit egg yolk once a week. Limit fats to a gram or an ounce per day. try eating pineapple and/or papaya to help with the abundance of proteins eaten.

Listed in order of best (fish) to worst (ground meats):

  1. Flat white non oily fish
  2. Lamb
  3. Game birds
  4. Egg yolk
  5. Cottage cheese 2 ounces
  6. Plain yogurt 4 ounces. Add extra acidophilus
  7. Cultured buttermilk 4 ounces once a week
  8. Broths and soups from animal stocks limit to once a week
  9. Poultry - AVOID with liver cysts
  10. Pork
  11. Beef
  12. Ground meat, fish, poultry, animal food AVOID
  13. Peanuts, Potato chips, French fries, Margarine, crisco, fried, charred AVOID

Individuals that eat meat like lions (staying away from all animal protein then going wild by having an 8-ounce hamburger) run the risk of diminishing their kidney functioning early. This has been studied in the laboratory. To read an article on this click here.
The PKD mouse model shows a rapid decline in kidney functioning following eating a huge protein meal. A lowered GFR glomerular filtration rate (kidney functioning) has been well documented. Once protein in the urine begins, the daily amount of protein needs decreasing to assure that there is a halt to the decline in kidney functioning. Animal proteins are among foods high in phosphorus. The BUN blood urea nitrogen might also rise. PKD'rs are said to do best when restricting animal proteins (high phosphorus) before the onset of declining kidney functioning. High phosphorus may be an indication of parathyroid disease. Email

    If it is not possible for you to eliminate all animal foods there are some better choices than others:
    non oily fish once or twice a month 2 ounces ;
    lamb 3 ounces (one lamb chop) ;
    cottage cheese (2 ounces) ;
    plain yogurt with added acidophilus (a half a cup; open an acidophilus capsule and add the powder to this half a cup);
    buttermilk cultured
    skim milk 2 ounces max;
    poached egg yolk once a month
    Lamb Beef
    Bean burger Hamburger
    Haddock Salmon
    OrangeRoughy Tuna
    Perch Sardines
    Cottage Cheese Parmesan
    Goat Cheese Cheddar
    Buttermilk Whole milk
    Plugra cultured Butter
    Yogurt Sour Cream
    Poultry Wild game
    Turkey Wild Turkey
    Chicken Pheasant

    Lamb has different molecular protein structure than beef. Beef or cows eat grasses that have the residual pesticides still present, long after these chemicals have been banned from farming. Beef cuts that are marbled are said to be the choicest. This marbling that makes the meat so tender is fat. Hormones are stored in the fat tissue and it is these hormones plus the chemicals from the grasses eaten from contaminated soil that is harmful.
    Fish - Enjoy flat white fish- that is non oily and low in fat. such as haddock, cod, orange roughy, and perch, For more examples of flat white fish click here. Avoid fish oil supplements. These are high in mercury. Also eliminate cod liver oil products by checking the ingredients lists in cosmetics, vitamins, and supplements. Avoid the following fish. The fat content is too high.
    AVOID fatty fish that has greater than 1% fat content.
    Pollock 1.0
    Grouper 1.0
    Yellowfin Tuna 1.0
    Snapper 1.3
    Monkfish 1.5
    Ocean Perch 1.6
    Mackerel (King) 2.0
    Halibut 2.3
    Striped Bass 2.3
    Smelt 2.4
    Rainbow Trout 3.4
    Swordfish 4.0
    Bluefish 4.2
    Catfish 4.3
    Bluefin Tuna 4.9
    Salmon 6.3
    Albacore Tuna 7.2
    Lake Trout 9.4
    Chinook Salmon 10.4
    Mackerel (Atlantic) 13.9
    Chinook Salmon 18.0
  • DAIRY - ANIMAL PROTEINS to be avoided cheese, cream and ice cream
    All put an extra workload on the kidneys. The solutes are too large for cystic kidneys to effectively filter. Dairy tends to dehydrate the body. Salt that is added to cheese and ice creams plus the extra large molecular solutes, plus the dehydration all can raise blood pressure and decrease kidney functioning. Some of us have experienced by taking a bite of ice cream or a sip of milk, this is followed by an episode of awakening in the middle of the night with a cotton mouth, an intense thirst that one feels as if their tongue is totally parched and their mouth is filled with many bits of cotton puffs.
    We have experienced this from all forms of dairy. Fish - Flat white fish- that is non oily and low in fat. Haddock, cod, orange roughy, perch, are examples of flat white fish. Avoid fish oil supplements. These are high in mercury. Avoid the following fish. The fat content is too high.
    Fatty portions from animal proteins are much more harmful than the leaner sections, i.e. skim milk is preferable to cream. Limit fats to a maximum of one ounce per day. If one continues to eat meats and animal foods than any type of cheese needs to replace the meat for that day. The amount of cheese allowed is one ounce whereas the amount of lean meat is approximately three ounces once or twice a week.
    Goat cheese is better than cow cheese, especially the type made in local farms and often sold at farmer's markets in the spring. Sometimes they make a salt free variety. Cultured dairy is preferable i.e. buttermilk, yogurt, plugra butter. Keep butter fat intake to less than a tablespoon per day.

    Less Harmful Cheese
    Cheeses best avoided
    Blue cheese
    Asiago cheese
    Blue veined cheeses
    Dry cheeses
    Cottage cheese
    Cheddar cheeses
    Hard cheeses
    Feta salt free
    Mimolette cheese
    Goat cheese
    Orange cheeses
    Quark cheese
    Roquefort cheese
    Swiss cheese
    Romano cheese
    Sheep cheese
    Soft white cheese
    Yellow cheeses

    In addition to the proteins of dairy being particularly hard on cystic kidneys, the fats of animal proteins concentrate pesticides, DDT and other toxins. If you eat cheese try to find a type that preferably uses a vegetable rennet and is locally grown or organic, with grazing lands that are free of pesticides, hormones, chemicals.

Thanks to the outstanding pioneering work of George and Judy Tanner, PKD research scientists; it has been shown conclusively in animal experiments with the Han SPRD rat that the alkaline diet works very well in diminishing kidney cyst growth and preventing renal failure in Polycystic Kidney Disease. For more information go to Potassium Citrate. Researchers this decrease in cyst growth was related to potassium or to citrate. Both of these were effective in diminishing cysts, but the one that best diminished cyst growth was by far away alkalinity.
Some of us are trying it all— eating plant based foods, emotional well-being, exercise, rest, sufficient fluids, solé and taking long deep daily breathes to promote a healthy alkalinity within our bodies. This is a balance of about 80% alkaline foods with 20% acid forming foods. Finding some time to do something especially nourishing for your being aides alkalinity. Daily exercise can be a walk on the treadmill, a walk in nature, some stretching, some yoga or it could be running in marathons—whatever appeals to you. Many have found that sustaining this exercise for a full ten minutes provides a benefit. This gives the body a chance to breath off the lactic acid that has been built up. Following exercise, drink sufficient fluids to avoid muscle aches. Many find daily exercise essential for keeping blood pressure at optimal level of 110/70. Some include in this routine, a very short sprint.
As we age, sleeping leg cramps occur called Charlie Horses can occur. Some find by stretching the hamstring and calf muscles daily using a towel helps eliminates nighttime leg cramps. If they do occur, then some have tried to stretch foot by pushing downward with the heel and pointing the toes upward toward the head. Others take an all natural full spectrum Vitamin E capsule.
Our cells require positively charged alkaline minerals to perform many buffering processes within the body. These minerals are also called positive ions: sodium Na+ , potassium K+, calcium Ca+ , magnesium Mg+ , and iron Fe+. Unlike the mineral sodium in table salt which is firmly bonded, the cations or positive ions in food are bound with citrate and malleate. These bonds are easily broken and the minerals can be taken up and used by our body's cells. The kidneys use citrate for energy. Citrate is generally low in individuals with PKD. Low urinary citrate is also found with high blood pressure.
Because of the ability of alkaline foods to provide the body with these minerals; fruits and vegetables are considered alkaline. Some alkaline foods may start off as a weak acid like a lemon or grapefruit, but the mineral bonds are easily separated and these alkaline minerals can be easily utilized by the body's cells. Once a piece of fruit is eaten, the positive ion minerals are left behind to form an alkaline process. This that is left behind is called an alkaline ash, similar to the ash found in a fireplace after burning a log.
When possible many eat spelt. Purity Foods sells spelt breads that contain no yeast and have been made by a long slow ferment utilizing the wild yeast that naturally occurs in the air. Spelt tastes similar to wheat but it is higher in protein, higher in boron and lower in phosphorous. It can be made into pasta, breads, cereals, fruit cobblers, and to thicken sauces. It can be substituted cup for cup for wheat. If one has a slight allergy to wheat, using spelt has the added benefit of not releasing any adrenaline that may cause a rise in blood pressure. Many foods made with wheat are processed and have numerous chemicals within these prepackaged convenience foods. Spelt has fewer phytates and phytic acid as opposed to wheat bread which contains about 90%.
Beef Broth
To release the aroma and the flavors I sear the following together with beef and beef bones—onion (lowers blood pressure), garlic (lowers blood pressure), parsley (lowers blood pressure), carrots, thyme, chives, cilantro, bay leaf and grated turnip. Large quantities of fresh aromatic herbs pulled from the garden are very useful. Just as an acid body causes the calcium to be driven out of our bones, by adding acid from freshly squeezed lemon to the stock, this can cause calcium to be leached from the animal bones enriching the broth as it becomes almost a gelée.
The broth simmers all day long, releasing gelatin and nutrients from within the marrow. This process has been activated by the lemon juice. Soon the lemon flavor is nonexistent. It has become a catalyst for the making of a restoring nourishing stock. At the end of the day, toss the vegetables,and bones, strain the broth and ladle it into a mug and sip it like tea. It can become the basis for a rich soup, or it can be added to flavor vegetables and sauces. The broth is calcium rich and phosphorus poor, nutrient dense and calorie poor. The addition of salt is not necessary. When simmered over many hours, this stock becomes alkaline. This is especially useful for recovery from surgery. Beef Tea
Another way to make a distilled concentrated broth is something called beef tea. This was the origin of the word restaurant. It was made in France for weary travelers to restore themselves. An ancient recipe:
Round steak is trimmed of all visible fat and cut into little cubes. These cubes of meat are placed in a glass container. Add to the jar a clean rock or heavy spoon for balance. Place this glass jar inside a big pot of water and loosely cover the jar and the pot, each with their own cover. Allow it to simmer for about 2-4 hours. This will make a distilled broth. Press the meat and liquid through a strainer. Toss the meat. When cooked in this fashion, the broth solidifies into gelatin when cool.
Sip slowly about 1 tablespoon per day of this super concentrated distilled broth. Even though it is a liquid, attempt to chew it. This is alkaline and nourishing when cooked in this fashion. It is wonderful when recovering from surgery or an illness and gives immediate strength. It will keep for 3 days refrigerated. The French call this method of making a broth a restoran. It means to restore, thus the word restaurant was a place one went to drink a restoring broth.
Fear promotes an acid state within the internal chemistry of the body. Prolonged fear is said in some cultures to promote physical diseases. When self love exists this enhances the alkaline state within the body. And joy? Where joy exists fear cannot. Someone likened this to flying on an airplane where you are instructed to first put the oxygen mask on yourself, and then help your child with their oxygen mask.

Super alkaline foods are these foods and their raw juices:





coconut water

grapefruit   caution













Alkaline foods are as plants -as close as freshly plucked from the earth as possible - - fruits and vegetables in season, especially cabbage, cucumber, lemons, grapefruit (this fruit alters the dose of certain medications and may need to be avoided by some. Sprouting and soaking seeds, legumes, and grains makes them more alkaline, more digestible, and lessens the phytic acid. Raw celery, though alkaline, should be avoided as it has been observed to cause an increase in kidney pain. Start by taking the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon first thing in the morning. This can be diluted in hot water with a bit of tupelo honey. Increase this to twice a day and then three times a day. Some have taken as many as 6 lemons in one day to lessen pain or discomfort. A Myer lemon is a sweeter lemon. Limes may also be used. Generally, the sweeter the taste the more alkaline the food. In the days long long ago, when we were hunters and gatherers, we searched for plants in the wild. We tasted them and assumed if they were sweet they were edible; if they were bitter, they were poisonous. Sweet taste, which we never tire of, is an atavistic trait. This ancient tribal trait is no longer used for its original purpose. Many of us who have a dominant sweet tooth may have been among the original tribal medicine men, or the wise women, the collectors of foods and herbs. We were the testers for the tribe. We would try it and see its effects, then we would say to the tribe, this is good nourishing food, or this is an herb that is useful for this purpose, or this is to be avoided as it appears harmful and tastes bitter.
This sweet tooth has given us a certain sensitivity for our body's needs. As we continue to eat whole foods that are less processed, we can sense quickly when we place something in our mouths whether it is healthy or harmful. This atavistic trait will come more to the forefront, but in coming to the forefront, some have noticed it brings with it a desire for concentrated sugars. Food manufacturers have long recognized this and add sugar to just about everything - even to salty chips. We will continue to eat the sugar dipped chip or crisp beyond satiety. The only way to avoid this is to avoid concentrated sugars completely. For about three days it will be very difficult. As we build our alkaline reserves and replenish the vitamins, antioxidants and minerals the body needs to function, these sweet cravings will become less and less. One day this craving for something sweet will awaken in one a craving for crunchy sweet vegetable or a slice of a raw ripe fruit, or a sip of fresh juice.

This web site is growing and changing as we try different fruits and vegetables and take note of their reactions within our bodies. It is then posted for all to read and comment upon. We are modern-day hunters and gatherers. We are gathering information of what foods, lifestyle changes, herbs and treatments we have tried and found to be effective or not effective. Existing in an alkaline state just feels better. Some have increased their kidney functioning with the PKDiet. Some have delayed dialysis for several years. Others who have a transplant have found the alkaline state to be energizing. Many have found they have had fewer and fewer infections, though some have noted an increase in urinary tract infections. This can be adjusted by drinking 2 ounces of cranberry or blueberry juice daily, diluted in one ounce of mineral water. This should be a pure juice. Northland brand is a good choice.
Sometime it may happen that a yeast infection is the cause of a sweet tooth. Or it could be from a slight decline in liver functioning. Or even a generalized yeast overgrowth. Some have tried probity. Some have been prescribed medications by urologists, such as potassium citrate or urocit K to rid the body of a generalized yeast infection. Others have been prescribed diflucan (this can harm liver). Some have used genetian violet.

Others have tried one drop of oregano oil under the tongue to curb the sweet tooth. Johns Hopkins University tested children with generalized yeast infection with the common medical treatment regime vs. oregano oil. The children did better with oregano oil.

As beef consumption and sugar consumption have increased, heart disease has increased too. In the past 20 years, beef eating has increased by 70% and apple eating has decreased by 70%. This parallels heart disease. Sugar consumption, including high fructose corn syrup has increased several fold. High fructose corn syrup has been developed from large food corporations growing vast amounts of corn. They had to figure out what to do with the excess corn. They produced fructose and touted it as a health food. It is not a health food. It is made from corn. Corn is one of those foods with a lot of allergies associated with it. Fructose has caused more damage than sucrose to diabetic organs. Fructose is a highly processed food. According to Dr. A R Gaby fructose is very toxic for the body. Adverse effects of dietary fructose.

In addition to eating plant foods some have tried, B6, B12, and folic acid taken with meals. Sometimes the B supplements are so strong that it may keeps some awake at night. If this happens try to take all supplements before 3 PM. Raw cabbage juice, about 2 ounces with 5 almonds thrown in, helps to alleviate the sweet tooth. Cabbage is the vegetable containing the highest amount of boron. Boron is great for bone strength.

Because the kidneys produce an overabundance of acids, these excess acids leach calcium from the bones. Bone strength is a problem for individuals with polycystic kidneys. Prednisone also depletes calcium from within our bones. Cabbage helps for it is highly alkaline. It is a healing marble of the earth. Freshly squeezed juice of a lemon first thing every morning diluted in warm water aids in cleansing the body of any toxins from the previous day, it keeps you regular, and assists the body to stay alkaline.

If you can decrease your proteins this too is helpful in changing the sweet tooth. The more protein one eats, the more sweets are craved.

Potassium citrate, sodium citrate, are very effective alkalizers. Calcium citrate has a modest effect. For kidney stones a substance called Shohl's solution (potassium citrate) has been prescribed for years. In animal experiments with the Polycystic Kidney Disease, the Han-sprd rats were fed potassium citrate in their drinking water. The potassium citrate rats never went into kidney failure and they lived twice as long as the other rats. Avoid coral calcium.
Another effective alkalizer is organic non-alcoholic nettle extract tastes similar to artichokes. It is very very high in potassium. One could easily lightly steam nettles found in the wild and simply eat these. Heat neutralizes the sting of nettles.

A few have tried making their own calcium citrate by making lemon egg. One takes a raw egg, washing it carefully. Place it in a cup and squeeze fresh lemon juice to fully cover it. Allow it to sit overnight in the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon of the lemon juice daily for three days; then make a fresh batch after three days.

I eat locally grown in season produce or organic which includes raw, steamed, boiled, baked, grilled, and roasted fruits and vegetables, and their freshly squeezed juices; soups, salad, almonds, coconut, chestnuts, broths, cabbage juice with almonds, dried fruit, nut milks, some organic whole grains such as spelt, rye, corn, buckwheat, soba noodles, roasted sweet potato, apples, pears, papaya, mango, pineapple, jack fruit, cherimoya, atamoya, figs, dates, sweet Maui onions, purple sweet potato, burdock, artichokes, parsley, yeast free spelt breads, spelt chapattis, spelt crackers, brown rice, spelt and vegetable pastas like spinach pasta, avocado pasta, and more.
A neighbor wanted to invite me to dinner but was afraid to prepare anything for me for she felt I had so many dietary restrictions. I asked her what she was planning to cook? She said steak and potatoes. I said this is easy. When you throw on the potatoes just pop a sweet potato in the oven for me, maybe some corn, or some butternut squash; and if you are fixing a salad then I will bring some salad dressing which anyone is welcome to use. Maybe I could bring dessert? Dessert for me is fresh fruit in season but for a dinner, I would follow the French directive and place the fruit attractively in spelt tart shells with an accompanying fruit sauce which can be spooned over the tarts.
Today for breakfast I had fresh grapefruit followed by a bowl of red ripe raspberries picked from the woods, accompanied with a sprig or two of raw parsley. When I first awakened I had the juice of a fresh lemon. About 10 am I had a fresh apple juice. Lunch was brown rice with Moroccan stew, corn tortillas, mung dal (the beans were soaked in several changes of water for two days. They almost developed little sprouts before I cooked them). Snack was a mango. Another snack was a papaya. Dinner will be some Swiss chard sautéed with onions, a little garlic, some grated carrot and a baked sweet potato with a baby spring greens salad. I drank two ounces of cabbage juice with 5 almonds. I drank two ounces of cranberry juice with one ounce of water. Perhaps later I may have a slice of melon. This food is nutrient dense and calorie poor and very very alkaline.
Pasta made with spelt and vegetables, or their juices, incorporated into the dough is absolutely delicious. I often make vegetable pasta—avocado pasta, spinach pasta, beet pasta, carrot pasta and saffron pasta bow ties with sweet garden peas is a favorite. When I make pasta at home, the pasta is the star rather than the sauce. I can easily flavor the pasta with a few herbs and vegetables to make it a complete meal.

For breads I use many flat breads such as corn tortillas, sesame rye crackers, spelt home made parathas, or homemade spelt tortillas, or spelt non-yeasted bread or essene bread or manna bread, a living food bread made using sprouts. The recipe for spelt bread is made by combining whole grain spelt flour with water. The bread rises using the natural yeast which is formed from stalking of the wild yeast existing in any kitchen, adding a 1/2 cup of flour and a 1/4 cup of spring water each day until this wonderful starter is formed, very similar to sour dough starters of the early settlers of North America. When baking add 1/2 teaspoon of Himalayan Pink Salt or Celtic Sea Salt or fleur de sel sea salt from the shores of Brittany to your bread dough. These salts contain minerals to aide the body in its quest for minerals and help to neutralize acid processes.
The bread has a long slow rising of 8 hours under 70 degree Fahrenheit conditions. It is baked on baking stones or pizza stones and has a free form shape or it can be formed in baskets or baguette molds. I often pull up a stool and sit in front of the oven and watch the bread baking. I spray the insides of the oven walls with water to mimic the brick baking ovens of old. I watch this magical rising of flour and water mushroom into tasty treat whose aroma fills my entire house. I find it well worth this extra effort. I just found out that bread baked this way produces a lactic acid ferment. Lactic acid is eliminated by the body breathing it off.
Now I understand why yeasted breads create so much gas within my intestines. Yeasted bread ferment is like an alcohol ferment. As it travels through the intestines, the alcohol creates gases when it meets the intestinal bacteria. Yeasted bread ferment was discovered by Monsieur Pasteur. Everyone remembers him for his great scientific achievements. He was commissioned by Napoleon to discover why some of the French wine went bad and others didn't. Until Pasteur's discovery, bakers used wild yeast to bake bread. Now they use a yeast similar to that created in wine that gives off an alcohol ferment. To create hooch, an American moon shiners type of wine, bread is put together with fruit in a huge vat ( a plastic garbage can will do for this purpose) and allowed to ferment.
If your nose runs when you eat wheat this maybe an indication of a wheat allergy. It may also run if you eat concentrated sugars. Some of us (me!) have noted that if we continue to insist on eating wheat {tempted by cakes & cookies} this causes adrenaline to be released which forces the blood pressure to shoot up, up, up.
Eating spelt assures that an allergy is not contributing to already elevated blood pressure. Spelt is a wonderful ancient grain said to be the precursor of wheat. It is called farro in Italy, dinkel in Germany, l’epeutra in France. It can be used cup for cup in a recipe which calls for wheat.
This delicious non yeasted spelt bread is called desem bread or levain bread. Recipes are from Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book or Bread Alone. There is also a Whole Grains Sourdough Breads Video. This video takes you right through the detailed steps for baking non yeasted bread. It is useful for anyone serious about baking their own non-yeasted bread. This bread generally tests alkaline when spread with avocado, almond butter, or even the included vegetable paté recipes.
I have tasted spelt coffee substitute. It is made by burning the spelt grains much like one roasts coffee beans. It is another drink which does not really taste like coffee, but more like coffee than tea. When I served a roasted grain beverage called Roma to friends from my homeland, Filipino guests, they all laughed and said this is Sarahh Sarahh! Sarahh sarahh was drunk during the war when coffee was unavailable. It is red rice (with part of the husk remaining) that has been roasted and brewed with water to make a hot grain beverage.
Grains, legumes, and nuts all contain phytic acid. It's purpose is to stop digestion of the seed. It assures that germination of the plant will succeed. This enhances the chances for the grains, nuts, and legumes to form new plants. Once the phytic acid is neutralized by coming in contact with water - e.g. after a rain or us soaking it - the seeds will sprout. Once they sprout little tails you can be sure the phytic acid is gone. Untreated phytic acid combines with calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc in the intestinal tract and blocks their absorption. Soaking the grains for a long time through many water changes aides their digestibility and their conversion to alkaline. Gas is not produced from eating beans that are long soaked with this method. Once phytates exit the body, they pull with them many necessary minerals, depleting the body further of much needed alkaline minerals such as calcium, iron, and magnesium.
I have found by eating foods that contain yeast, baking powder, and rising agents used in commercial breads this increases the fluid in my cysts to the point that I must stretch backwards with my arms above my head to make room for digestion of the food. I become very bloated. I eliminated all yeast: beer, ale, breads, wine, biscuits, and even processed bottle fruit juices. The bottling process produces a yeast. Juices are most nutritious when made fresh and consumed within 20 minutes.

HIGHLY ALKALINE GRAINS: Quinoa, millet, amaranth, are alkaline. Spelt grains ground fresh in a food processor, then soaked and allowed to sit overnight in the refrigerator, then cooked the next day are also alkaline. Breads that are sprouted such as Essene and Manna bread are alkaline. Sprouted grains, sprouted beans and seeds are changed and become very alkaline when eaten raw in a sprouted state.
HIGHLY ALKALINE FRUITS: Dates, figs, banana, mango, papaya, sweet pineapple, sweet apple, citrus—oranges, lemons, limes, tangerines, pears, melons all types (be careful of melons that travel a distance such as cantaloupes. Sometimes the ridges harbor fungus which is harmful to the liver when eaten). The sweeter fruit tastes, generally the more alkaline it is. Fruit eaten raw, dropped from the plant at its peak of ripeness is the most alkaline. Cherries relieve joint pain. Pineapple juice freshly squeezed contains bromelain which is helpful after a meat eating binge. It also is a strong anti-inflammatory which helps with back pain. Cranberries, loganberries, strawberries, blueberries and plums/prunes are acidic fruits. You may remember drinking cranberry juice for a bladder infection? Once bacteria is in the urine, the waste products of the bacteria changes the pH of the urine to very alkaline, so alkaline that it burns. Drinking cranberry juice changes the pH to acidic and stops the burning. Cranberries can prevent bacteria from clinging to the cell walls and they also prevent scar tissue from forming. Northland brand of 100% juice of cranberry mixed with raspberry juice, blackberry juice, apple juice, peach juice, orange juice or grape juice is very tasty. Some of us follow the cranberry juice with a glass of citrus juice, or teaspoon of potassium citrate or non alcoholic organic nettle leaf extract to stay in the alkaline range.
HIGHLY ALKALINE VEGETABLES: Cabbage, Swiss chard, greens, spinach, baby beet greens, turnip greens, watercress, romaine lettuce, parsley, seaweed.  A bowl of these veggies raw, preferably garden fresh, or organic with a homemade salad dressing of extra virgin cold pressed olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and garden herbs is delicious for lunch. Celery is also alkaline. Avoid it for it is the one vegetable when eaten raw that makes my kidneys ache. It is also the only vegetable that is high in sodium. Vegetables to avoid are the nightshades: tomato, potato, eggplant, peppers, belladonna, and tobacco. The tiny indigestible seeds can get caught in intestinal diverticuli which is something which happens to people with Polycystic Kidney Disease. These vegetables also contain solanine which does not react well within different bodies and contributes to oxalate crystal formation which causes achy joints. (Cherries take away joint pain). Walnuts are found by some to activate arthritis pain.
Radishes are particularly good for the kidneys as are sunchokes. As an alternative to potatoes try sunchokes, chestnuts, turnips, parsnips, rutabagas—all alkalinizing.
ALKALINE ANIMAL PRODUCTS: stocks and beef broth that simmered all day and the meat and bones tossed. Cultured buttermilk, cultured butter, cultured yogurt. The yolk of an egg that has been poached, not fried. Once oil is heated it destroys the body’s vitamin E and the heated oil leaches antioxidants. 
ALKALINE NUTS: almonds, coconut, chestnuts
ALKALINE SPROUTS: sprouted seeds and beans tend to be alkaline. Broccoli sprouts and radish sprouts. The one sprout not recommended is alfalfa. Alfalfa inhibits the immune system and contributes to joint aches in my body.

Enjoy eating things that spring from the earth like fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries and grains. Abstain from animal foods or that are derived from animals that move, walk, graze, swim or fly like birds, beef, milk, fish, eggs, or poultry.   Stay away from processed foods: white flour, sugar, corn syrup, pastries, cookies, yeasted white bread, salted snacks.

  • eat plant based foods
  • avoid animal protein
  • maintain blood pressure 100/60 - 110/70 - 120/80
  • alkalize to keep urinary pH 6.5, 7.0, 7.5 is a better urinary pH to maintain cystic kidney health.
  • correct anemia
  • low salt
  • drink water, twice your output.

Enjoy plenty in season locally grown foods. Take pleasure in streamlining your diet to a few select nuts (almond, coconut, chestnut), grains (spelt, quinoa, kasha), seeds, legumes, beans that have been pre-soaked in water before preparing. Drink chamomile, rooibos, rose hips hibiscus, linden flower, or veronica tea. Check with your doctor these are appropriate for you. More on herbs, click here. Squeeze fresh lemons into your water that you drink. Avoid animal foods (meat, milk, cheese, butter, eggs). Prepare food raw, steamed, boiled, wrapped in paper or roasted. The number one choice for produce is of course home grown. This way you know exactly what has been put on your crops and the earth and your energy have created a superior produce for your eating pleasure.


  1. Home grown, fresh, raw, in season and ripe
  2. Locally grown
  3. Organic
  4. Frozen
  5. Market produce
  6. Dried
  7. AVOID canned goods

    cranberry (whole fruit)

Vitamin B12, try all natural
Vitamin B6, try all natural
Vitamin D, try all natural
Vitamin E, try all natural
Folic acid
EFA essential fatty acids (hemp seed oil capsules or chia seed oil capsules)
Calcium citrate with Vitamin D
Vitamin C with rose hips, try all natural
Potassium Citrate (if prescribed)

Check these with your doctor. I supplement with the B vitamins and I do not take them after 2 p.m.. I take the vitamins for one month and I lay them aside for one month. I supplement with EFA by taking a teaspoon of hemp seed oil drizzled over my salad. Magnesium I take from time to time when I need some extra help with sleep. Then I take 425 mg of magnesium with two ounces of grape juice diluted in one ounce of mineral water. Vitamin C with rose hips I find is essential to keeping any allergy reactions at bay.

Increase your lemon juice intake to at least three per day. Add an alkaline fruit either twenty minutes before a meal. It may take about two weeks for the change to occur. You can speed it up by drinking orange juice, apple juice, cabbage juice, or melon juices that you prepare yourself. From time to time, I sometimes take non-alcoholic nettle leaf extract. This particular herb is high in potassium, lowers uric acid, and will quickly change the urine toward alkaline. If you are a meat eater do this change slowly and drink cranberry juice to convert the ammonia to ammonium. Try adding exercise and relaxation, taking (8) eight long slow deep breaths each morning upon arising. When the mind is fearful it is difficult for the urine to change to alkaline. Of course lemons, limes, all citrus are wonderful alkalizers.

What is nanobacteria?
"Nanobacteria are unconventional agents 100-fold smaller than common bacteria that can replicate apatite-forming units. Nanobacteria are powerful mediators of biogenic apatite nucleation (crystal form of calcium phosphate) and crystal growth under conditions simulating blood and urine. Apatite is found in the central nidus of most kidney stones and in mineral plaques (Randall's plaques) in renal papilla. The direct injection of nanobacteria into rat kidneys resulted in stone formation in the nanobacteria-injected kidney during one month follow-up, but not in the control kidney injected with vehicle. After intravenous administration in rats and rabbits, nanobacteria are rapidly excreted from the blood into the urine, as a major elimination route, and damage renal collecting tubuli. Nanobacteria are cytotoxic to fibroblasts in vitro. Human kidney cyst fluids contain nanobacteria. Nanobacteria thus appear to be potential provocateurs and initiators of kidney stones, tubular damage, and kidney cyst formation. It is hypothesized that nanobacteria are the initial nidi on which kidney stone is built up, at a rate dependent on the supersaturation status of the urine. Those individuals having both nanobacteria and diminished defences against stone formation (i.e. genetic factors, diet and drinking habits) could be at high risk. Kidney cyst formation is hypothesized to involve nanobacteria-induced tubular damage and defective tissue regeneration yielding cyst formation, the extent of which is dependent on genetic vulnerability."


Some new research points to electron microscope size bacteria known as nanobacteria to be a living buffering system of the body. These tiny bacteria spring into action when the pH of the body turns slightly acidic and they immediately capture acid minerals and form them into stones to further assist the body to maintain a delicate balance of neutral. A theory on nanobacteria, they might possibly be among the oldest very first organisms. They have found nanobacteria on carbon dated old old rocks. They are a cross between mineral and bacteria. Nanobacteria are living pH regulators that exist in this world. They go easily from their worm like form into their rock form. Nano transmit a slim that propels themselves along. If the host body, i.e. our body, becomes too acidic, nanobacteria jump into action and sacrifice themselves changing into a rock like crystal that will bind the body's acids. It is a great protector that helps us to survive; nano is a great help to our bodies; it tries very hard to get us to live; they help us to survive and remain alkaline. That is the purpose of nanobacteria. The do form kidney stones if the body becomes too acidic. They do form placque again if the body is too acidic. If the body is too acidic, then stone formation will easily happen. Nanobacteria senses that the body's pH is becoming dangerously acidic, so it springs into action, changing its form from a worm like secreting slim to a rock. The rock binds all available acids that is possibly can. The body stays alive. The body stays neutral. We can change this by helping our own bodies along and by remaining alkaline. Generally with alkalinity, there will be no stone formation.

Coping with Kidney Disease is a book with some ideas for some ideas to ask your doctor about related to maintaining healthy kidneys.
You will require a doctor's help to institute many of these recommendations. In addition to the alkaline diet and potassium citrate there are also 3 new experimental drugs not yet released that show great promise for diminishing the symptoms of cystic kidneys: tolvaptan, rapamycin, octreotide and a Chinese herb called Lei Gong Teng. Triptolide or Lei Gong Teng has yet to be considered for clinical trials. The others are currently being tested. Of these octreotide has also been found to diminish liver cysts. Some new research points to electron microscope size bacteria known as nanobacteria to be a living buffering system of the body. These tiny bacteria spring into action when the pH of the body turns slightly acidic and they immediately capture acid minerals and form them into stones to further assist the body to maintain a delicate balance of neutral.

These diets have many good things to offer. PKDiet has taken bits from each. Eat a variety of raw fruits and vegetables (RF raw food). Avoid animal products. Pre-soak grains, nuts, legumes, seeds (macrobiotic and RF raw food); with extensive liver cysts, many avoid soy. Some favorite sprouted bread recipes have ideas from both. PKDiet avoids the use of yeast, similar to many traditional sourdough ferments. Sourdough creates a lactic acid ferment rather than an alcohol ferment made by using yeasts.

RF raw food vegans and Macrobiotic vegans both embrace Yannoh, a coffee tea alternative. I have had the pleasure to dine at Roxanne's an elegant Raw Food restaurant in Larkspur California, just outside San Francisco. This was
a delightful restaurant that I thoroughly enjoyed. I have learned it has closed its doors. Back in the 60's my sister and I would often take the drive up to Big
Sur along the California coast and stop in at a macrobiotic restaurant near Santa Barbara. This too was a delight. Now with massive liver cysts I must avoid soy and seaweed wraps. I continue to enjoy cooked brown rice.

Researchers recently decided to test a group of RF raw food vegans ages
18 - 85. They discovered:
RF raw food vegans were lighter weight
RF raw food vegans' bones were less dense, but yet these bones were stronger
RF raw food vegans had low cholesterol, low LDL, normal homocysteine levels
RF raw food vegans had higher calcitrol levels and vitamin D levels the type that aids bone strength.
RF raw food vegans had low B12 levels., pkd, polycystic kidney disease, pld, polycystic liver diseasecontact us
updated: Monday, March 12, 2012 2:39 PM

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