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SOLE´ (soo-lay)

Interesting reading is this book, Water and Salt the Essence of Life translated from German

Making Solé
Step 1



Everyone knows that salt dissolves in water, right? Consider that if you keep adding salt to a glass of water you’ll get to a point where the water becomes super-salty or saturated with salt. Once the water becomes super-salty or saturated with salt the salt will just sit on the bottom of the glass without dissolving any further. This is what happens with Himalayan Crystal Salt Solé is, super- saturated, salty water. Here’s how to make it.

Place 1 inch of Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt stones in a glass jar, preferably one with a lid, or begin with our pre-packed jar of Stones pictured here. Add 2 to 3 inches of good quality artesian or spring water above the stones, completely covering the crystals with water. Let sit overnight.

Making Solé
Step 2

solé lower cholesterol


If all the salt crystals have dissolved, add a few more salt crystals to the water. Your Himalayan Crystal Salt™ Solé is ready when the water becomes fully saturated with salt and cannot hold any more. The salt will no longer dissolve at this stage. Your finished Solé should resemble the photo at left. There should always be salt crystals in the jar. As you use up the Original Himalayan Crystal Salt™ Solé, after some time, add more water and more salt until the water is again saturated. Remember, there should remain a few salt crystals on the bottom of the jar. This is your visual proof that the water is totally saturated with salt.

Making Solé
Step 3

solé step 3


Each morning, before eating or drinking anything, add one teaspoon (I use a few drops) of the Himalayan Crystal Salt Solé to a glass of artesian or spring water and drink. Or if you prefer, prepare the glass of water the night before and drink it in the morning. Your body will receive the energetic vibration pattern of the Original Himalayan Crystal Salt™ and hold it for 24 hours. Keep the container covered to prevent the water from evaporating. Otherwise, no special storage is needed. The fully saturated Original Himalayan Crystal Salt™ Solé will keep forever! Salt is a natural anti-bacterial and natural fungicide. It simply cannot spoil or go bad.

Just a drop or two in a full glass of water will give you a homeopathic dose of solé daily. It has ben thought that with elevated blood pressure, normally individuals are told to restrict table salt. Himalayan pink crystal salt is different. It contains all the minerals in the exact same proportions as the human body. By diluting a glass of spring water with a few drops of solé crystal salt solution, one succeeds in making their own inexpensive mineral water. I have noticed this particular salt does not raise my blood pressure. I have switched and use exclusively Himalayan pink salt also known as halite for cooking. I continue to limit the amount of salt I use to 1/8 of a teaspoon for the entire day. This amount has no effect on my blood pressure.

Here are some links to water and salt and the Himalayan seasalt crystals.
An inexpensive source for Himalayan pink salt click on the product name i.e. Sherpa pink to pull up the different sizes coarse or fine.
About the book
About the authors
About the salt
About some treatments
About drinking Solé (pronounced soo-lay) the water dilution
About the biophysics
and a few more links

Another detailed recipe of   How to make Solé
Loosely fill the salt "stones" in a close able glass  container. Add good spring water or "enlivened" water, completely filling the vessel. After approximately one hour the  solution will become saturated at 26%, a satisfactory and ready to  use brine solution. The 26% concentration now remains stable. The  glass can be refilled again and again with water, until all salt crystals have dissolved. Every morning one takes a few drops solé adding it to a glass of water on an empty stomach. I prepare this in the evening and leave it beside our bedside to take the moment we awaken. I have found that it really lessens jet lag and provides me with more energy on the days I take solé water; for a bit more information. It is said to Balance the Body's pH Factor and eliminate Heavy Metals  such as lead, mercury, arsenic, amalgam and calcium because the crystal salt is able to break up their molecular structures. Treat your body to a Solé therapy in order to get rid of the calcium build up and the heavy metal deposits. For the body to get rid of these deposits it has to first metabolize them.  

The Meaning of the Word Salt

The word salt comes from the Latin term sal, which again comes from the word sol. Sol is synonymous with the “Solé,” the water and salt solution and is the Latin word for sun. Mythologically, and from its definition, Solé means “liquid sunlight,” the liquid materialization of the sun’s energy, liquid light energy, bound into a geometrical structure, capable of creating and sustaining life. This literally explains where life on Earth came from: from the Solé of the primal oceans.

The Celtic word for salt, “hall” has the same roots as the German word heilig meaning “holy” which also comes from the word heil meaning “whole,” Further, hall also signifies sound (German schall). The schall is a sound with a long hall, which means echo or reverberation in German, involving vibration. If we knew of these correlations today, we would be asking our neighbor at the table to “Please pass me some vibration,” rather than “Please pass me some salt.” We have to ask, “Were the Celts conscious of the fact that salt contained all the frequency patterns of the elements?” And, that “hall” was the basic vibration for “heil” (German “health”)/ “wholesomeness”? They definitely knew how to cure illnesses and re balance the energy deficit in the body through “hall,” their salt. From an energetic, as well as from the biophysical point of view, an energy deficit can be balanced with salt, regardless of the missing frequency pattern, or the missing information/energy/life-force. Pure crystal salt is still geologically defined as “halite,” in which we can recognize the Celtic words “hall” for salt and “lit” for light. Loosely translated, crystal salt or halite means, light vibration. 

 Natural Himalayan crystal salt consists not only of two, but also of all natural elements. These are identical to the elements of which our bodies have been built and originally found existing in the “primal ocean” from where all life originated. Interesting enough, our blood is a Solé, containing the same salty solution as that of the primal sea; that is, a fluid consisting of water and salt.


Thoughts on solé.
There are many opinions on solé. Some who have had a transplant find that even a smidgen of salt causes them to swell up with edema. Others have noticed they have felt an improvement. I will tell you my own experience. After reading the book, Water and Salt the Essence of Life (translated from German) my plan was to begin using Himalayan pink salt stones and to have a drop or two of solé added to a full glass of mineral water each morning upon arising. But I was reluctant. I thought the salt might cause a rise in blood pressure. I really hesitated for at least a year.

A friend in Germany related his experience with solé. I had visited him and his family about two years before. He runs 10 -20 miles a couple times a week. He is lean and his wife cooks many foods that are grown in their own garden and meats they eat are demeter (even more meticulous than organic). She grinds her own spelt flour and bakes her own bread daily. Still with all of this, when it came time for his yearly physical, all his lab values were elevated - his pancreatic studies were off; his liver; his cholesterol. He was called back to the doctor. He spoke with me about this.

I told him I suspected that he was not drinking enough water. Was this possible? He admitted that this was true. He did not want to get up and leave his desk to use the bathroom so he limited the amount of water that he drank. I explained that he could try to drink more water and see if this corrected everything. If he did this first perhaps there was no need to take medication which he probably would have never taken.

My friend agreed and began drinking more water. In the meantime his wife tried solé. It is a normal saline solution formed by putting large halite or pink Himalayan salt crystals in a full beaker of mineral water and allowing it to sit overnight. Then in the morning to mixing a teaspoon (I use a few drops) in a full glass of mineral water first thing before anything else.

At the end of the year my friend saw the doctor once again and once again the doctor called his home and asked him to return to the office, only this time the doctor was astonished as all his lab values not only had returned to normal but to low normal. The doctor was convinced that my friend had been taking some medication to bring his cholesterol and pancreas down to the low normal range. This convinced me to give solé a try as well as Himalayan pink salt.

After 3 months I returned to the Mayo clinic and my eye doctor told me (at age 60) I had twenty twenty vision and it had improved. He said something was hydrating the vitreous of my eye. My kidney functioning was the best it had been in ten years and my liver functioning was totally normal. And my blood pressure was low, very low. My blood pressure had never before measured low at the Mayo. It always spiked there. So this was a first for me improved kidney functioning with a creatinine of 0.8; improved iothalmate clearance better than it had ever been in ten years; improved liver functioning and no anemia. Also each evening I drink two ounces of cranberry juice in an ounce of perrier. I find this makes my skin really smooth like I have used the most expensive skin and face cream available. Plus it helps prevent any future bacteria build up on my bladder wall. It also is said to diminish urinary tract infections.

Solé is self prepared alkaline water. In addition to solé, I prepare freshly pressed juices to maintain a consistent alkalinity.

Here is some information on water from the EWG.
The city water from Honolulu and Minneapolis tasteunusually sweet and delicious. Here both cities are listed among the top ten water supplies. polycystic kidney disease polycystic liver diseasecontact us
last updated: Saturday, September 7, 2013 7:44 AM