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Herbs - Ginseng


Eleutherococcus senticosus

Synonyms — Eleutherococcus senticosus; Devil's Shrub; Siberian Ginseng
Plant Part Used — Root
Dosage and Standardization – when prescribed by a physician — Oral: 100 - 200 mg twice daily, standardized to contain 0.8% eleutherosides B and E per dose. A regimen of 4 weeks on, 2 weeks off is ideal to maximize benefit. Reported Uses – Adaptogen/tonic (promote wellness) (Brekhman, 1965; Brekhman, 1969) Athletic performance (enhancement); stress (decrease fatigue); immune support (Hikino, 1986)
Summary — Although Siberian ginseng is a member of the ginseng family, it is of a different genus than the Panax or Asian varieties.
Theoretical cautions and contraindications — Use with caution with stimulants: decongestants, caffeine, and caffeine-containing beverages.Use with caution in individuals with hypertension or in individuals receiving antihypertensive medications; and in individuals at risk of hypotension (including those taking antihypertensive medication or agents that predispose to orthostasis), elderly individuals, or those who would not tolerate transient hyper- or hypotensive episodes (ie, cerebrovascular or cardiovascular disease). May potentiate effects of antihypertensives.
Use with caution in individuals taking barbiturates (based on in vitro or animal studies) (McRae, 1996; Medon, 1984).
Use with caution in individuals with diabetes or in those who may be predisposed to hypoglycemia; may alter glucose regulation. Effects of drugs with hypoglycemic activity may be potentiated (including insulin and oral hypoglycemics). Blood sugar should be closely monitored and the dosage of hypoglycemic medications may require adjustment. This should be carefully coordinated among the individual's healthcare providers. Based on pharmacologic activity and case reports, hemostasis may be affected. This herb may be contraindicated in individuals with active bleeding (i.e., peptic ulcer, intracranial bleeding). Use with caution in individuals with a history of bleeding, hemostatic disorders, or drug-related hemostatic problems; and in individuals taking anticoagulant medications, including warfarin, aspirin, aspirin-containing products, NSAIDs, or antiplatelet agents (i.e., ticlopidine, clopidogrel, dipyridamole). Discontinue use prior to dental or surgical procedures (generally at least 14 days before).
Extensive or prolonged use may heighten estrogenic activity (based on pharmacologic activity).

AVOID with polycystic liver disease and polycystic kidney disease. I found ginseng stimulates a migraine headache and shunts blood to the brain and away from the kidney. Detrimental for PKD'rs.
Effects on Bleeding — May have antiplatelet effects.
Vasoconstrictor precautions — Potential to interact with epinephrine and levonordefrin to result in increased BP; use vasoconstrictor with caution. Can precipitate migraine headaches and shunts blood away from kidneys
AVOID pkd polycystic kidney disease polycystic liver diseasecontact us
last updated: Sunday, September 23, 2012 10:24 AM