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CAUTION   Reduces platelet clumping, opens up blood vessels, stimulates blood circulation and warms the body. Eating chilies increases thermogenesis, the body's caloric burn rate. If you eat chilies with your meal, your body will burn calories at an increased rate of about 25 percent.

Capsaicin prevents carcinogens from binding to DNA where they trigger the second hit phenomena which occurs with PKD. This second hit starts cells mutating which triggers cysts to form. This second hit starts cells mutating which triggers cysts to form.
It provides relief of pain especially painful cluster headaches. It opens clogged sinuses. It also stimulates gastric secretions. Defends your body against food-borne bacteria. Vibrio vulnificus bacteria sometimes found in raw shellfish is inhibited by capsaicin. An externally applied cream first produced in Germany (I had the pleasure of meeting the dermatologist who thought to try this) has been used to help with the pain of shingles. By ingesting hot chilies or rubbing the skin with a cream, this causes an outpouring of calcium which numbs the pain receptors in a localized area. At first it really burns. Christopher Columbus noticed hot peppers (chiles) almost immediately after he struck land on this side of the Atlantic. He soon sent a cargo back to Spain, suggesting that they might be a good substitute for black pepper, one of the precious spices that had caused merchant explorers to take to the sea in the first place.
Capsicum cream has been used to treat painful post herpetic neuralgia of herpes zoster. I met the dermatologist in Europe who had first tried this as a treatment. He explained that it is much like eating a hot dish, the more frequently you eat a hot spicy dish, eventually you need more and more chili to add some fire to the meal. Eventually the nerve endings become exhausted and the cream allows some relief from the painful episodes.
CAUTION There maybe something in fiery chilies that may not benefit cystic kidneys. As a member of the nightshade family it contains high amounts of solanine which interferes with calcium absorption. From time to time, I indulge in a hot chili or two to spice up an avocado dishe called guacamole. I sometimes experience kidney and liver ache following this. If you have liver cysts, it is a vegetable high in estrogens, as are all the nightshade family of vegetables. polycystic kidney disease polycystic liver diseasecontact us
last updated: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 3:45 PM