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AVOID celery for it can cause cyst fluid to accumulate around cysts, causing kidney cysts to enlarge. Celery is one of the vegetables prone to retain pesticide sprays.

Though celery is very alkaline, it is loaded with pesticides and has diuretic properties. Pesticides were found on 94 percent of the celery tested.

There were 29 pesticides found on celery:
Acephate, Azinphos methyl, Captan, Carbaryl, Chlorothalonil, DCPA, DDT, Diazinon, Dicloran, Dimethoate, Disulfoton, Endosulfans, Iprodione, Linuron, Malathion, Methamidophos, Methidathion, Methomyl, Mevinphos Total, Oxamyl, Oxydemeton methyl, Parathion ethyl, Permethrin Total, Phosmet, Piperonyl butoxide, Prometryn, Propiconazole, Quintozene (PCNB), Trifluralin

The three pesticides found most often on celery are Dicloran, Acephate, and Oxamyl.
                                                celery avoid with PKD polycystic kidney disease and pld polycystic liver disease

Celery also contains diuretic properties, another reason for PKD'rs to AVOID celery. polycystic kidney disease polycystic liver diseasecontact us
last updated: Sunday, September 23, 2012 10:26 AM