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BENEFICIAL I avoid the whole fruit and drink the juice. The blueberry and dark fruits contain helpful elements for brain health. The latest news about blueberries, a powerful antioxidant and a food with anti-aging properties, was presented at the American Chemical Society meetings. It was reported that a compound found in blueberries called pterostilbene has the potential to be developed into a nutraceutical for lowering cholesterol, particularly for those who do not respond well to conventional drugs..
The whole fruit is high in oxalates whereas the juice prevents bacteria from sticking to bladder walls. Study authors from the USDA's Agricultural Research Service indicate that the compound found in Vaccinium berries could be a potent weapon in the battle against obesity and heart disease through its cholesterol-reducing potential. Here is a link to blueberry - cranberry researchers.
Blueberry it is a super food and New Jersey's official state fruit. A blueberry enriched antioxidant diet prevented the increase of NF-kappaB (a protein linked to brain ageing). Blueberries have been linked with slowing ageing and improving cognition. Its natural blue color signals a concentration of anthocyanins, a substance that my help prevent heart disease (cranberries have anthocyanins, too, but blueberries boast more.) Canadian scientists from the Institute of aboriginal peoples' health plan have announced a major project to look to traditional Cree Native Indian medicines, such as blueberries, that fight diabetes, a major health problem among indigenous peoples of the world.
Researchers at Rutgers University in New Jersey have identified compounds in blueberries called proanthocyanidins that promote urinary tract health and reduce the risk of infection by preventing bacteria from adhering to the cells that line the walls of the urinary tract.   
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last updated: Monday, January 20, 2014 7:40 AM