Willow bark

Avoid Willow bark

Avoid willow bark as this is the origin of modern day aspirin. Willows all have abundant watery bark sap, which is heavily charged with salicylic acid the active ingredient in aspirin. Because willow bark contains these aspirin like compounds it is to be avoided. Willow bark is high in salicylates and detrimental for PKD/PLD. Salicin, the active ingredient in willow bark, seems to have contributed to the death of the composer, Ludwig von Beethoven. Apparently, Beethoven ingested large amounts of salicin before he died. His autopsy report is the first recorded case of a particular type of kidney damage that can be caused by salicin.

We are  sharing our experiences with PKD/PLD Diet, an adjunct diet envisioning it complementing a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Consider testing this with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it according to your own uniqueness by adding it to your current  treatment.

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