Uva Ursi

Avoid uva ursi

Uva ursi (bearberry) Arctostaphylos can be toxic: Hydroquinone, a component of uva ursi, can cause serious liver damage. Before antibiotics, it was among the few herbal drugs with antibacterial properties. It contains the glycoside arbutus and tannins, which both have antimicrobial properties. Uva Ursi acts as a mild diuretic. As a diuretic this should be used with great CAUTION as diuretics can adversely affect kidney functioning. Uva ursi should not be taken longer than 2 weeks because of the release of high levels of hydroquininone. Uva ursi is ontraindicated in pregnant women as it may cause a miscarriage. Its mode of action is through quinine, a known agent which can cause miscarriages to occur. Quinine is an aspirin like compound and aspirin can damage the kidneys. Very acid forming. Do not drink cranberry juice or take vitamin C with this herb. Many medications interact with uva ursi.

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