Strawberry & Leaf

Avoid Strawberry & Leaf


Strawberries are high in salicylates, found in aspirin and other pain relievers. Some find salicylates highly allergic. Strawberries, are highly acidic -- and consuming acidic foods and drinks on an ongoing basis can lead tooth erosion. Its bleeding tendencies put strawberries on foods to be avoided prior to surgery. Strawberries are too acidic and the little seeds can block diverticula, very common with PKD. Diverticula are little outpouchings in the intestines, common with PKD'rs.

Ripening agents and fruit-expanders are added to the fertilizers of commercial strawberries in the hope of growing giant strawberries that are firm and will travel easily. Unfortunately taste is lacking. These chemicals accelerate the segmentation of cells so that strawberries grown are unexpectedly huge in size. But such strawberries are dangerous to our health. If consumers eat these chemicals unsuspectingly, this can adversely affect their bodies, their kidneys will not work as efficiently.

The Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit research organization, publishes an annual list of the dirtiest produce with the most pesticide residue, according to tests performed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration. In 2014, strawberries ranked No. 2 for their pesticide content. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that pesticides in food can pose serious health risks, possibly causing birth defects, nerve damage and cancer. They may be particularly harmful to children, whose organs and immune systems are still developing. Choose berries certified as organic, which indicates they were grown without the use of pesticides. While visiting Germany I had a taste of their local strawberries. These are so sweet and delicious. In Germany it is against the law to export any of their local strawberries. This is how one country has kept the taste in strawberries.

Strawberries contain histamines, chemicals that can cause itching, wheezing and hives. If you eat raw berries and experience any symptoms of allergy, seek medical attention immediately. The histamines in strawberries might also trigger signs of a food intolerance, which results in uncomfortable digestive symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.

Strawberry Leaf

Herbal tea made by infusing strawberry leaves,especially wild strawberry leaves, has a long history as a culinary treat and as a herbal remedy. In folk medicine, this caffeine-free alternative tea treats everything from gastrointestinal problems and rheumatoid arthritis to excessive menstrual bleeding and water retention.

Scientific research on wild strawberry leaf tea, however, is limited. It has antioxidant properties in vitro and vasodilatory effects, similar to those of hawthorn leaf extract. Caution: it may give blood pressure spikes with PKD. Ellagic acid (compound with anti-cancer potential) and tannins (polyphenols that have been used to treat diarrhea) have been found within strawberry leaf. Wild strawberry leaves contain this powerful anti-cancer compounds but no research has come from this.

We are  sharing our experiences with PKD/PLD Diet, an adjunct diet envisioning it complementing a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Consider testing this with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it according to your own uniqueness by adding it to your current  treatment.

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