
Avoid spinach

Spinach is high in oxalates. If one consumes raw spinach this can result in wrist pain, in joint pain. To decrease this possibility give spinach leaves a quick 3 second dip in boiling water. The oxalates are left in the water. Withdraw the spinach and sauté it or use it in a salad.

Spinach samples had an average of twice as much pesticide residue by weight than any other crop. Three-fourths of spinach samples had residues of a neurotoxic pesticide banned in Europe for use on food crops - it's part of a class of pesticides that recent studies link to behavioral disorders in young children.

It can increase peristaltic action especially when juiced with an apple. Spinach does not cause cramping will clean the intestines similar to a scrubber eliminating any old residue.

A low oxalate diet might be prescribed for recurrent kidney stones, for high uric acid, for gout symptoms, all symptoms which can occur with PKD. 80% of PKD kidney stones are calcium oxalate stones. 20% of people with PKD get kidney stones. The most common kind of stone for PKD'rs is calcium stones. Oxalic acid, uric acid, lactic acid, malic acid, all contribute to the body's acidity. When the body is acid or the urinary pH tests below 6.5, then the body has an increased risk of forming a kidney stone.

What was the old time remedy for preventing kidney stones? It was Shohl's solution or potassium citrate. This prevents calcium from binding with oxalate and prevents the formation of calcium oxalate stones. Some researchers looked at restricting certain foods high in oxalates especially meats and limiting spinach, rhubarb, beets, chocolate, wheat bran, strawberries, peanuts. [Peanuts is a food that humans should avoid.]

There is no universal agreement on restricting these foods. It was discovered that the bodies of individuals who produced kidney stones had a mechanism that forced the body to expel a high concentrate of oxalates from within resulting in excreting oxalic acid into the urine (like with PKD). The Italians demanded to know what diet would benefit them and prevent future bouts of kidney stones. They found that limiting meat and all proteins, drinking 2 liters of water in addition to any juice, or other liquids, limited recurrence of kidney stones. Their diet was high in fruits and vegetables lower in proteins and high in water.

Somatostatin Like Material in Spinach

Somatostatin like material was found in spinach extract in 1985. This article is Interesting, but not helpful because somatostatin would be digested and not absorbed.

Chlorophyll Spinach Juice

Many potent food alkalizers are filled with chlorophyll: cereal grass juice, kale juice, leafy greens juice. Chlorophyll is said to have a similar structure to that of blood hemoglobin. The chlorophyll molecule and the hemoglobin molecule are almost identical in shape. At their center hemoglobin has iron whereas chlorophyll has magnesium. This similarity was first suggested in 1855 by Verdel. Consuming chlorophyll allows one to capture sunlight as energy according to one recent theory. Can insects do it?

A researcher in Ulm, Germany, Andrei Sommer, has written a research article about light, Burst of light speeds up healing by turbocharging our cells.
"The light causes mitochondria, the cell's powerhouses, to produce more ATP, a compound that provides the cells' energy."

This is all taken in with Dr. Grantham's discovery, that the fluid inside a cyst is filled with the same or a very similar chemical as the plant forskolin, coleus. We with PKD/PLD may have inherited by DNA gone awry, plant liquid that may help us heal.

We are  sharing our experiences with PKD/PLD Diet, an adjunct diet envisioning it complementing a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Consider testing this with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it according to your own uniqueness by adding it to your current  treatment.

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