Keto Diet

Useful BHB

According to Thomas Weimbs, BHB reduces cysts in the animal model only, no human PKD trials as of yet, human PKD trials are needed. This diet should be anti-inflammatory, low protein, plant-based, alkaline, mild caloric restriction, low salt, This means in the PKD animal model low purines, low oxalates high water: intake diet 3-4 liters per day. Foods high in fats such as avocados, purslane, fatty acids, hemp seed oil, olive oil, coconut oil (but not fried foods or breaded foods). Monitor your Blood pressure. Keeping it low is important. Try to avoid fried items and breaded items.

This diet, the ketotic diet, emits ketones from the liver and fatty acids. Cysts require glucose to grow. Glucose is produced by the liver to store things for later use. Ketones and fatty acids are things which cysts cannot utilize. β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) is one way to accomplish this (check with your doctor). Mine says no not until PKD human clinical trials. Another way to accomplish this is by the keto diet. Another way is through intermittent fasting or full fasting, such as the 16:8. This is when one eats at 9am and again 5pm, nothing in between. So one is fasting for 16 hours ,eating for 8 hours.

Thomas Weimbs Ph.D is working hard to get the first supplement out asap but it will take some time. Many of BHB on the market contains salts which are harmful to kidney disease, It's not trivial to formulate/dose a supplement that also takes kidney safety into account. I would strongly advise anyone NOT to buy random supplements off the internet and taking them on their own. Many of them contain salts that a kidney patient should stay away from. Also, the dose does not simply translate 1:1 from rat experiments.

Santa Barbara Nutrients are located Here.
"Santa Barbara Nutrients has not been launched yet. It will be a supplement company to be founded in Santa Barbara, California, using patent-pending technology developed at the University of California Santa Barbara."

Now the keto diet is not to be confused with diabetic keto acidosis which is a very well known disease process. What we are talking about is simply ketosis or ketones from the liver and fatty acids.

What am I going to do? I'm going to stick with the PKDiet: low salt, low purines, low oxalate, low protein (0.6 gm/kg) and wait for the supplements to come out, then re-ask my doctors.

A video from the UK Charity, University of California Thomas
At the end PKD'rs have asked several questions.

Thomas Weimbs Laboratory is in University of California Santa Barbara. If one chooses, one can download the articles under publications.
Under: NEWS the latest articles without a scientific slant toward them, can be downloaded for easier reading,

We are  sharing our experiences with PKD/PLD Diet, an adjunct diet envisioning it complementing a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Consider testing this with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it according to your own uniqueness by adding it to your current  treatment.

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