
Enjoy Hibiscus Tea

In Bali Indonesia, hibiscus is known as the flower of the gods. Its beauty is seen decorating temples throughout the lands. Hibiscus Tea contains many qualities.

Hibiscus tea is a beverage that is made by using the sepals of a roselle flower known as Hibiscus sabdariffa. Hibiscus tea has traditionally been used to treat high blood pressure, lower fever, and treat liver disorders. Hibiscus is rich in vitamin C as well as other antioxidants.

Hibiscus ↓ blood pressure

A human study has validated that hibiscus tea, in an amount easily incorporated into the diet, is effective at lowering blood pressure in people suffering from hypertension. The extract of the hibiscus sabdariffa plant has been studied more extensively and compared to various drugs used to lower blood pressure: it was found in a 2004 study to be roughly comparable in effect and tolerability to captopril, and a 2007 study found it to be less effective than lisinopril, but it showed 100% tolerability (absence of intense side effects) in this study. It is likely that hibiscus acts to lower blood pressure through being an ACE inhibitor.

There is evidence both from studies on rats and rabbits, and more recently, human studies, that hibiscus sabdariffa can lower cholesterol levels.

Studies in mice and rats have also validated that hibiscus has a fever-lowering (antipyretic) effect, and the evidence suggests that the mechanism by which it acts is different from that of aspirin.

A study in mice found that Hibiscus sabdariffa can prevent liver damage caused by acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol and a number of other pain-killers, which is known to cause liver damage in high enough doses.

Hibiscus extract diminishes Candida Albicans

Hibiscus flower made into a tea has been used by the French to squelch candida overgrowth. Hibiscus UTIRose extract use achieved a 77% reduction in Candida Albicans. Hibiscus prevents bacteria from clinging to bladder walls and diminishes UTI infections and protects the liver of animal model induced liver damage.

Side Effects

Drinking large amounts of hibiscus tea can impact concentration, alertness, and focus. Those with low blood pressure should avoid this tea as it could drop blood pressure very low. Hibiscus tea can impact how the body processes NSAIDs and acetaminophen.

Hibiscus tea: Lowers blood pressure, Improves overall liver heath, and can stave off cravings for unhealthy sweets,

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