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Red Meat - Beef

Avoid Beef - Meat

Red meat is one of the highest sources of methionine, contributing to ASHD, heart disease, heart attacks, and narrowing of the arteries. Eating even three ounces of meat, beef, red meat (the size of a deck cards) can increase the chances of developing a deadly chronic disease or decreasing mortality. Eating processed meats is equally harmful. Become a label reader checking ingredients and omitting foods processed with carrageenan as well as those containing carnitine. Ground beef contains pink slime, not listed as an additive, but found much more frequently in ground meats as the price of animal proteins continues to rise.

Muscle meats and eggs are high in methionine, an amino acid that raises homocysteine levels in the blood. This fact increases our need for homocysteine-neutralizing nutrients like vitamins B6, B12, folate, and choline. Why don't we want high homocysteine in our blood? Homocysteine is a significant risk factor for serious diseases like heart disease, stroke, mental illness, and fractures. This might further explain why researchers sometimes find a correlation between high meat intake and various diseases.

While searching the web for others who may have discovered fruits and vegetables can help slow down kidney disease, I came across Dr T. Colin Campbell, Dr Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr., and environmental scientist Professor Gidon Eshel who all have collaborated together and made a food documentary.  Beatle, Paul McCartney has shown it in Parliament. It is called PLANeat.


Charred meat or BBQ meats are particularly harmful to PKD Polycystic Kidney Disease. The sauce is tomato based which is high in oxalates. Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are chemicals formed when muscle meat, including beef, pork, fish, or poultry, is cooked using high-temperature methods, such as pan frying or grilling directly over an open flame. These are known carcinogens.


Meat Eater's Guide
Meat Eater's Carbon Foot Print
Meat Eat Less Eat Greener
Meat Superbugs Invade Supermarkets

Something Else in Red Meat Responsible for Heart Damage

The real culprit, is a little-studied chemical that is burped out by bacteria in the intestines after people eat red meat. It is quickly converted by the liver into yet another little-studied chemical called TMAO that gets into the blood and increases the risk of heart disease.

Researchers studied additional experiments that led to the discovery that a red meat substance no one had suspected–carnitine–seemed to be a culprit. Carnitine is found in red meat and gets its name from the Latin word carnis, the root of carnivore, Dr. Hazen said. It is also found in other foods, he noted, including fish and chicken and even dairy products, but in smaller amounts. Red meat, he said, is the major source, and for many people who eat a lot of red meat, it may be a concern.

Avoid Carnitine & Red Meat

The study then tested carnitine and TMAO levels of omnivores, vegans, vegetarians, and examined the clinical data of 2,595 patients.  The researchers found that increased carnitine levels in patients predicted increased risks for cardiovascular disease and major cardiac events like heart attack, stroke and death, but only in subjects with concurrently high TMAO levels. Vegans did not have a burst of circulating TMAO after volunteering to eat a steak but meat eaters did. This is related to their gut bacteria.

Researchers gave meat eaters doses of antibiotics to wipe out almost all of their gut bacteria. After that, they no longer had circulating TMAO in their blood either after consuming red meat or carnitine pills. That meant, he said, that the effect really was because of gut bacteria. But what is it about carnitine that bacteria like? The answer, Dr. Hazen said, is that bacteria use it as fuel.

Researchers discovered that the effect was solely because of TMAO; TMAO predicted heart attacks independently of traditional risk factors like smoking, high cholesterol and blood pressure.

Dr. Hazen worries about carnitine-containing energy drinks. Carnitine often is added to drinks on the assumption that is will speed fat metabolism and increase a person's energy level, Dr. Hazen said. Carnitine naturally exists in red meat and is also a common ingredient in energy drinks such as Red Bull or Monster. Certain gut bacteria can metabolize carnitine into a potentially harmful substance, trimethylamine- N-oxide (TMAO). Higher levels of circulating TMAO are associated with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Avoid Animal Proteins For Health

If one can eat plants: vegetables & fruits, this is best. Read more about health and eating a plant based diet. There is a meat eaters guide and the carbon foot print of plants vs animal proteins.

Gerson Institute

I watched a video by Charlotte Gerson about the Gerson Institute. After viewing this video I had these thoughts.

The PKD diet attempts to utilize freshly juiced fruits and vegetables especially when polycystic organs become very large and take up most of the limited space within the abdominal cavity. It is at this time that eating fiber from fresh vegetables and fruits becomes restrained. The volume of ingested foods must be limited. Some have reported that even less than a cup (about 8 ounces) of food results in counter pressure from cystic organs causing food to just pop out of the mouth. To retain optimal nourishment for the body, many of us have taken up juicing.

Cabbage juice contains all the daily essential amino acids needed by the body to make proteins for body processes. Sometimes odors from sulfurins in cabbage puts some people off. I juice first an apple, reserving the juice from the apple as a chaser after drinking the cabbage juice. When I juice the apple I am sure to remove all seeds. Apple seeds contain arsenic. One or two seeds will likely do no harm but if you juice frequently I find it best to remove apple seeds. Juice the cabbage in the juicer following juicing the apple. Do not clean the juice machine after juicing the apple. This way the cabbage picks up some of the sweetness from the apple making a more palatable cabbage juice.

Following my liver resection, and sometimes following octreotide (somatostatin injections) I experience tremors. With my liver resection this was due to the liver remnant not yet manufacturing glycogen. Glycogen stores nutrients for later use by the body. Octreotide is known to cause blood sugar to drop. When these instances occurred at first I tried freshly squeezed orange juice, even adding concentrated sugars to see if this helped. It did not. This did not take away the trembling; freshly pressed carrot juice did. I didn't go overboard with carrot juice, just one glass a day to relieve trembling.

For Your Reference

These lists are gathered from individual experiences living in a body with cystic organs. This is based on empirical knowledge.
Useful Alkaline Diet Trials Avoid
Useful Chemicals Low High K+ Avoid Chemicals
Useful Grains Menus Avoid Grains
Useful Herbs Better Proteins Avoid Herbs
Useful Other Recipes Avoid Other
Meat Carbon Footprint Xenoestrogens Avoid What's On My Food? App
Meat Choose Well Calculate neutral protein Produce:Dirty Dozen App
Meat Methodology Safe cosmetics Produce:Harvest App
Sunscreen guide Phytoestrogens Avoid Sunscreen App
City water Phthalates Restaurant nutrition App
Moringa Saving Failing Kidneys Fish: Seafood Watch App
Fish: guide Fish: Mercury content Fish: Mercury App

PKD Diet Kidney iBookstore Alkaline Diet Foods App PLD Diet Liver iBookstore

We are  sharing our experiences with PKD/PLD Diet, an adjunct diet envisioning it complementing a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Consider testing this with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it according to your own uniqueness by adding it to your current  treatment.

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