Avoid Genetically Engineered (GMO) Food

The USA spends the least on its food of all industrialized nations; and it also spends the most on health care. We think we are getting cheaper food, afordable food when actually many are paying for this through costly health insurance. There is a movement begun long ago in the 70's by many individuals. One of these was Alice Waters of Chez Panisse Restaurant. With her search for quality local produce came farmer's markets. These are now available everywhere where individuals can speak directly to farmers; to question farmers about their growing methods; to purchase quality local non-genetically engineered produce, lamb, beef, eggs.

More than 80 percent of crops like corn and soy are genetically engineered. Some 60 to 70 percent of processed foods in American grocery stores are likely to contain some genetically engineered ingredients. And the first genetically engineered animal could soon be introduced into the U.S. food supply - salmon.

Dangers of Eating Genetically Modified Foods

There are many dangers from eating GMO foods. Foods have been injected with the DNA from another species. Recently humans have seen many different species illnesses crossover to humans. GMO foods can make the food able to have a longer shelf life or to withstand (for instance) loads of roundup spray and still the plant will stand. Some vegetables have been injected with DNA so that the food itself has become the pesticide. Caterpillars that eat the produce die. Praying mantis that eat the caterpillars become sterile and so on down the food chain. In the last years we have seen numerous species become extinct. Humans are seeing greater allergies occurring later and later. Children are having early sexual characteristics appear. Many hormonal related cancers are on the rise including ovarian cancer. Most of these pesticides, these herbicides, are endocrine disruptors are false estrogens.

Health Risks from Genetically Modified Food. For more details try the book: Genetic Roulette.

Commercial animal lots have impacted our earth severely:
The largest source of methane gas that increases global warming has come from feedlots of commercial animals (mainly cows). The greatest user of our water supply has come from commercial beef lots; water is used to produce grazing lands for the cows. And de-forestation of the Amazon forests is in part, a large part, caused by commercial cattle companies in their respective countries. The meat bought from these ventures goes to McDonald's hamburgers.


Meat Eater's Guide
Meat Eater's Carbon Foot Print
Meat Eat Less Eat Greener
Meat Superbugs Invade Supermarkets

Ground Beef Blamed for Salmonella Cases

An outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium tied to tainted ground beef has sickened at least 16 people in five states, the CDC

FDA Moves to Prevent Foodborne Disease


Proposed FDA rules outlining hygiene standards for produce farms and food manufacturers are aimed at preventing foodborne illness, agency director Margaret Hamburg, MD.

Food Animals

Bovine growth hormone has allowed milk cows to produce greater and greater quantities of milk. A pharmaceutical company made a synthetic growth hormone that was made growth hormone much more affordable for commercial dairy farmers. Synthetic is said to be the same only cheaper. But it is not the same; it is synthetic. There are many other properties we the consumer are unaware because testing of this is done by the pharmaceutical companies and is voluntary not mandatory. Where does this information come from? There are several interesting food documentaries:

Food Revolution

In the USA commonly we have foods sold with bacteria that is harmful for us. It comes about from feeding cattle ground up dead carcusses from the same animals then loading the animals with antibiotics to prevent disease. Feeding the animals oats instead of allowing them to graze changes the pH of their stomach so that organisms (bacteria) that was previously destroyed by stomach acids no longer is destroyed instead it creates a super bacteria that is passed on to the consumer. This practice creates many bacteria resistant bacteria.

Food Beware

The French Organic Revolution is about a public school in France where the town Mayor passed a law that they serve an all-organic menu for their school lunch program.

GMO Plants

The following are possibly grown from GMO seed.

Is it the Gluten in Wheat?

A practice of grain growers just before picking wheat, is to flood the fields with the Monsanto herbicide Roundup® (glyposate). The residents of Maui an island in Hawaii just passed a moratorium against Monsanto. Monsanto strikes back after Maui voters support GMO moratorium. ABC KITV4 Hawaii, November 5, 2014

Is it the Gluten in Wheat?

A practice of grain growers just before picking wheat, is to flood the fields with the Monsanto herbicide Roundup® (glyposate). The residents of Maui an island in Hawaii just passed a moratorium against Monsanto. Monsanto strikes back after Maui voters support GMO moratorium. ABC KITV4 Hawaii, November 5, 2014

Mayan Farmers: GMOs Cause End of The World for 1500 Bee Colonies

1,500 colonies of honeybees, from a Mayan community in Hopelchen, Campeche, died this February 6 from the fumigation of Monsanto's GMOs in a nearby area.

Censorship in health risk assessment: an example of an herbicide and a GMO

A GMO article previously retracted from pressure has been re-published by the European Union. Long-term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize. Monsanto has the money, the funds to squelch articles, to confuse public opinion about the dangers of GMO crops. Monsanto has even turned around and sued farmers and islands initiatives that were against the use of GMO crops. And the reason for this suit? Why because Monsanto would lose millions of dollars in revenue by allowing consumers to know that their crops have been produced through GMO methods.

Change comes about slowly. Chipotle, a USA fast food chain removes GMO foods from their chain.

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