↓ Bone Density: Lab Tests

PKD ↓ Bone Density

Bone Density Lab Tests

First Group of Lab Tests & Their Meaning

24 hour Urinary Calcium

↓ 24 hour urinary calcium indicates a body is holding onto all the calcium it can get a hold of, hence there is none left over to spill into the urine. I asked about PKD Polycystic Kidney Disease and calcium spilling in the urine. The bone specialist said this phenomenon can come about with decreased kidney functioning. I do not have decreased kidney functioning so no worries for me.

Some individuals with osteopenia can take calcium and vitamin D supplements and this alone will halt their osteopenia. This supplemental regimen did not work for me. It did not halt my osteopenia. My bone density gradually continued to decrease over 6 years so prescribed Boniva was needed to stop the decrease in bone density.

For the first time ever I have an understanding why one must take calcium supplements. The bone specialist said that vegans get sufficient magnesium in their diet. I did not need to take any additional magnesium. The maximum amount of daily calcium from my diet alone has been calculated to be 800 mg of calcium. This may have been sufficient earlier in life but as I have aged either the process of aging or medications or other reasons has caused my requirement for calcium to rise in order to halt my osteoporosis. Supplemental calcium and Vitamin D is needed along with required Boniva to help reverse my osteoporosis.

Calcium Serum

Normal serum calcium level indicated that my serum calcium was normal. This is good so far.


Normal serum phosphorus indicated that my serum phosphorus is normal. No other disease processes so far.

Parathyroid Level

↑ PTH indicates that one does not have sufficient calcium intake so the parathyroid gland is going into overdrive to try to keep calcium levels up within the body. The doctor is hoping this does not begin a disease process where the parathyroid hormone starts pulling calcium from within my bones to keep body calcium levels up.

Vitamin D Level

Vitamin D level mildly elevated indicates one needs to cut back on supplemental vitamin D intake.

Calcium Absorption

Oxalates, magnesium, and zinc can bind with calcium. If you take supplements, make sure there are at least 4 hours between when you take calcium and when you take any other mineral. If you are getting calcium from food sources, plan your meals around a similar guideline. Oxalates from foods may also bind with calcium rendering that calcium bound and not available for body processes. By binding to calcium, oxalic acid inhibits calcium absorption and depletes the calcium within the body.

I have been getting yearly bone density tests. For the past four years I have been taking Boniva for osteoporosis and I do not wish get the odd femur fractures which have been described as a side effect from prolonged use of Boniva®. Prior to beginning Boniva I was taking calcium and vitamin D supplements; however my bone density steadily decreased going from osteopenia to full blown osteoporosis. For the past four years I had experienced no side effects from Boniva. My spine has improved by 4.7%. Despite Boniva treatment, the bone density in my hip has remained unchanged. The medication Boniva + the supplements appears to have stabilized bone loss in my hip. It is no longer on a downward trajectory.

Personal Results

A low 24 hour urinary calcium means that the body is holding onto every bit of calcium it can possibly get a hold of.

The above laboratory results indicated to my bone specialist that my own daily calcium intake is very low and should be increased:
↑ PTH level means that a body is putting out more parathyroid hormone, trying to assist a body to elevate its own internal calcium levels even higher.

Treatment Given To Me

1.  Vegan Diet
2. ↑ calcium citrate to 1200mg/day(3 tablets per day in divided doses).
3. ↓ vitamin D to 3 Vitamin D (2000 iu each) 3 times a week.
4.  Continue Boniva for one additional year.
5.  Repeat lab work in one month on changed regime.

Repeated Lab Tests In One Months Time

Re-check lab values in a month following taking the newly prescribed supplements:


On Boniva, following taking the changed supplements, there has been improvement in my bone density, and my spine and hip readings have become better. My PTH parathyroid hormone level has returned to normal. My vitamin D levels are normal. I take 1200 mg of calcium daily and 6000 iu of Vitamin D twice a week. I was given a three year holiday from Boniva. When I was to go back on Boniva my GFR had dropped to 1.2, I stayed off for an additional year, My GFR increased to 1.0, I am currently taking Actonel 35mgs once a week. I check myself for jaw pain.

Foods ↑ Bone Density

Cabbage Juice or Boron helps Osteoporosis

Boron is said to help osteoporosis. Boron also increases the metabolism of estrogen like products through the liver. Cabbage ranks the highest in boron of all the leafy vegetables. Boron is excellent for osteoporosis however researchers have difficulty titrating the dose. Cabbage juice taken daily allows for the absorption of boron with the body's needs in mind.

Parsley & Olives helps bone density

We are  sharing our experiences with PKD/PLD Diet, an adjunct diet envisioning it complementing a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Consider testing this with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it according to your own uniqueness by adding it to your current  treatment.

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