PKD Diet

PKD Diet is a neutral protein alkaline plant based diet. It is low in salt and allows for sufficient water intake to shut down vasopressin. It also keeps a cystic body well flushed. We have gathered our mutual dietary experiences in maintaining alkalinity and enhancing the health of cystic kidneys, cystic liver, and cystic organs. Changes are made as more dietary information readily becomes available. Should you find it difficult to eat only plant based foods, limit animal products to occasional broths, lamb, flat white fish, soft white cheese, cottage cheese, egg yolk, keeping quantities to less than 3 ounces per day and no more frequently than twice a week.

Plant Based Alkaline Diet

Enjoy eating foods that grow from plants of the earth – like fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries and grains. This is a whole foods plant based vegan alkaline diet geared toward PKD kidney health and PLD liver health. Cooking all food yourself from locally grown in season produce goes a long way to maintaining the health of cystic organs. It excludes:

Neutral Protein 0.6 grams/kilogram

Protein in is equal to protein out. Calculate your daily protein. 3 ounces of fish is about the size of a deck of cards. 1 ounce of cheese is equal to one dice. Protein is set individually to maintain a neutral protein balance between 0.6 grams – 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. Protein quantities from certain foods has been compiled into a chart by a fellow PKD'r. Some protein foods from a plant based diet are: spelt [the highest amount of protein among grains], cabbage juice, carrot juice, corn, chia seed, and of course nuts, beans, legumes, grains, and seeds. Soak nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, and grains prior to cooking to diminish their phytic acid content. By preparing food in this fashion, foods become alkaline and more digestible.

1200 mg sodium

Sodium or salt intake is limited to 1/8 teaspoon per day or a 1200 mg sodium diet. Many have tried Himalayan pink crystal salt and have experienced no rise in their blood pressure when using small quantities (1200 mg) of this salt. Recently there has been some conflicting information about Himalayan salt; our experience is that it is beneficial. If you have had a transplant, these individuals must restrict all salt or they swell.

3 Liters water or twice your daily output

Drinking enough water, to raise serum osmolality just above that of urine shuts down vasopressin, similar to the still-in-clinical-trials experimental drug, tolvaptan.

For Your Reference

These lists are gathered from individual experiences living in a body with cystic organs. This is based on empirical knowledge.
Useful Alkaline Diet Trials Avoid
Useful Chemicals Low High K+ Avoid Chemicals
Useful Grains Menus Avoid Grains
Useful Herbs Recipes Avoid Herbs
Useful Other Xenoestrogens Avoid Avoid Other
Meat Carbon Footprint . Fish:endangered
Meat Choose Well Calculate neutral protein Produce:Dirty Dozen App
Meat Methodology Safe cosmetics Produce:Harvest App
Sunscreen guide EWG Endocrine Disruptors Sunscreen App
City water Phthalates FishToxicity App
Moringa Saving Failing Kidneys Fish: Seafood Watch App
Fish: guide Fish: Mercury content Fish4Health App

We are  sharing our experiences with PKD/PLD Diet, an adjunct diet envisioning it complementing a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Consider testing this with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it according to your own uniqueness by adding it to your current  treatment.

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