
Italian researchers have now found ADPKD can be targeted by an existing diabetes drug in combination with a glucose analogue. The team headed by Alessandra Boletta from San Raffaele Institute in Milan, Italy found that the PKD-1 mutation caused a switch in sugar metabolism. It seems those who have inherited PKD1 may respond better to Metformin. Brand names of metformin are Glumetza, Fortamet, Riomet, Glucophage, diabetic medicine. it is known that the suppression of hepatic glucose production results from metformin. Sirolimus rapamycin, everolimus are also metformin type drugs but these drugs come with very severe side effects.


If you take metformin take note it can: decrease Vitamin B12
check that you are not allergic to metformin
check that you are not in a state of diabetic keto acidosis

If you need to have any type of x-ray or CT scan using a dye that is injected into your veins, (usually not given with ADPKD) you will need to temporarily stop taking metformin. Before starting metformin have liver functioning tested and repeat again in 6 weeks. Have a heart check along with blood sugar levels done regularly. Some people develop lactic acidosis while taking metformin. Early symptoms may get worse over time. This can be fatal. Get emergency medical help should you have even mild symptoms such as: muscle pain or weakness, numb or cold feeling in arms and legs, trouble breathing, stomach pain, nausea with vomiting, slow or uneven heart rate, dizziness, or feeling very weak or tired.

Metformin Possible New Rx for PKD

Dr. Steinman has written us an interesting article on metformin use and other new possible treatments for PKD.

Metformin Clinical Trial PKD

Not yet recruiting. Several sites:
University of Pittsburgh
Tufts Medical Center
University of Maryland
University of Southern California
United States Department of Defense

Pioglitazone (Actos®) Clinical Trial

Another diabetic drug called Actos® may help decrease blood pressure in polycystic kidney disease. Preliminary work in the laboratory with the PKD model has revealed Pioglitazone (Actos®) improves both liver and kidney cysts. Clinical trials will begin to see if Actos® does decrease cyst formation in humans. So far it does so in the PKD model.

Side Effects of Pioglitazone

Discuss the possibility of these side effects occurring before beginning Pioglitazaone or Actos®.

Fenugreek reduces metformin

Sharma and Raghuram conducted two randomized, controlled, crossover studies in patients with type 2 diabetes. The doses of 15 patients antidiabetic drug, (glibenclamide/glipizide) metformin, were reduced by 20 percent when given fenugreek powder and both medication dose and dietary intake were stabilized for a one week prior to the actual study periods.

A1C test

To test for blood sugar fluctuations or if your doctor suspects diabetes as a diagnosis, the A1C test is a good test for this. Have your blood sugar checked regularly if you are taking octreotide to reduce PLD size. Octreotide can cause blood sugar manifestations. Ask your doctor if any other medication you are taking can also cause fluctuations in blood sugar.

Metformin Linked To ↓ Neurodegenerative Disease Risk

2016 study from Dr. Phillips at Emory University said,
"Metformin has pleiotropic effects, and it is of great interest for a variety of reasons."
Metformin may have a possible preventive role in cancer and heart disease.

Metformin in the laboratory reduces tau, elevated in Alzheimer's disease.

We are  sharing our experiences with PKD/PLD Diet, an adjunct diet envisioning it complementing a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Consider testing this with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it according to your own uniqueness by adding it to your current  treatment.

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