Wrist Pain

Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Sometimes wrist pain can come about from too long at the computer.

Exercises For Wrist Pain

Fortunately, some simple exercises for wrist pain can also be very effective to help strengthen wrists and break free from the ongoing cycle of repetitive motion and pain.

1. Wrist Stretches:
With your forearm supported on a table and your wrist hanging over the edge, bend your wrist upward and downward slowly for a thorough stretch (repeat 10 times). Next, move your wrist from side to side slowly until you feel a stretch (repeat 10 times).
2. Prayer Stretch:
With your palms together (hands in a prayer formation) and elbows out, slowly lower  your wrists until a gentle stretch is felt (hold for 10 seconds). Return to starting position and repeat 10 times.
3. Opposite Hand Wrist Stretch:
With your arms extended straight in front of you, use your opposite hand to press the back of your hand downward, so your fingers point toward the floor (hold for 15-30 seconds). Then pull your fingers up and backward (so your fingers point toward the ceiling, holding for 15-30 seconds). Repeat for a total of three sets.
4. Tennis Ball Exercise:
Make a fist around a tennis ball. Squeeze it as hard as you can (without being in pain) for about 5 seconds. Repeat up to 10 times.
5. Flexion and Extension Exercises:
Hold a light dumbbell in your hand with your arm extended out straight in front of you (your fingers, curled around the dumbbell, should be facing the ceiling). Slowly bend your wrist upward, holding for 10 seconds, then bend it downward toward the floor, holding for another 10 seconds. Repeat this four times. This exercise can also be done using a resistance band, with one end placed under your foot for traction and the other end around your palm.
6. Rubber Band Forearm Exercise:
Hold your hand out flat, then place a rubber band firmly around your five fingers. Open your fingers slowly, allowing the resistance of the rubber band to work the muscles and tendons in your forearm (which often contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome). Hold your fingers open for 15 seconds, then repeat up to 12 times.

Procedures for Wrist Pain

There is a surgical procedure used to relieve carpal tunnel syndrome with median nerve compression at the wrist.

In lieu of surgery there are also several wrist supports that can help relieve compression. Sometimes these are worn during sleep.

Others have found great relief by consulting with physical therapy.

We are  sharing our experiences with PKD/PLD Diet, an adjunct diet envisioning it complementing a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Consider testing this with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it according to your own uniqueness by adding it to your current  treatment.

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