Liver Pain

PLD liver pain

Here are a few non-medical treatments to relieve PLD Pain.

40% of PLD'rs report pain as the chief symptom. You might be beyond warm packs, stretches and dietary relief from your pain. If your doctor will not listen to you, try an urgent care clinic. Just go continually until you get pain relief. What it will do is alert your doctors that you are indeed experiencing pain. Here is a YouTube Video by Dr. Marie Hogan on PLD Pain. It's the squeaky wheel that gets the pain relief. Let's start squeaking!
Pain is what elicited the search for the PLD Diet, with a detailed and prolonged discovery try to find foods that diminish PLD pain. Other PLD symptoms are bloating, distension, and early satiety all from an ever growing polycystic liver. Here are some PLD symptoms.

Eating can become a constant pain trigger for someone with severe Polycystic Liver Disease.

Herbs ↓ liver pain

Saffron tea is excellent for lessening pain from PLD. Organic turmeric capsules one capsule three times a day also helps diminish PLD pain. After 3 days of taking these supplements, I was no longer holding my liver to brace it from pain. I stopped the turmeric and tried milk thistle, this achieved a similar curtailing of pain. However by taking a capsule that contained milk thistle, turmeric, and artichoke; this gave even better pain relief especially when all is combined with a moist heating pad and rest in a zero gravity chair. Lemon juice is like a magic potion for pain relief. With the first sip pain diminishes. Organic Meyer lemons when available are best. Citrus juices not only relieve pain, they also change the body toward alkalinity. See your doctor about getting relief from any pain you may experience.

Some Healing Liver Foods & Herbs

PLD Pain Relief

PLD pain relief suggestions [95kb PDF]
YouTube video on PLD Pain Relief

Why do we have severe pain with PLD?

The liver cysts near the surfaces of the liver cause pain as they rub on the skin around the liver. Whenever I would get intense liver pains, I was fortunate in working next door to an ultrasound doctor. When my pains became unbearable, I would pop over and get an ultrasound. The area of pain was always associated with a large liver cyst very close to the skin surface verfied by ultrasound. This is very much the same description given by Marie-Louise where she tells her story about PLD in Germany. Many of us with PLD get intense abdominal pain. When we are in pain we need our doctors to treat our pain aggressively.

Cyst rupture or burst cyst

Rupture of a cyst can trigger a severely painful episode, so severe that many surgeons think we have rebound tenderness from peritonitis. All symptoms mistakenly point to diffuse inflammation of our internal organs, of our belly, of our entire peritoneal cavity. If we have a cyst rupture, this pain can mimic peritonitis pain, but surgery might be the last thing we may need. At that particular moment we require immediate aggressive pain management to allow the ruptured cyst to heal. We may need to lay quietly until the body fully heals. If your doctor does not believe that you are having pain, ask him gently, why does a person get peritoneal pain? A liver cyst rupture is a similar pain.

Cyst rupture and bleeding can occur with trauma or bumping of our organs. Sometimes elevations in blood pressure brings about cyst rupture. But more likely cyst rupture is due to the shear numbers of cysts within our organs. After seeing your doctor, get adequate pain relief and rest, rest, rest is key to healing.

Bleeding into a cyst

This can come about causing intense pains within the liver. It can be diagnosed with imaging studies. The treatment for this is pain releif and rest. The diagnosis must be secure.

Infection Within a Cyst

An infection within a liver cyst is difficult to diagnose. An intracyst liver infection can be diagnosed with a blood-imaging study called a WBC SPECT/CT. There are two cases in 2013 illustrate the incremental value of In WBC SPECT/CT fusion imaging for the evaluation of bacteremia in polycystic liver disease.

Another Cause of Pain in PLD

Another cause of PLD pain can be from our bile ducts. A knowledgeable physician is needed to help with this diagnosis.

Rocker shoes, a stairmaster, or anything that will squeeze your calf muscles will pump returning blood back to the heart when there is edema and swelling of vessels from a constriction caused by a cluster of liver cysts squeezing a blood vessel.


These units were designed by Russian researchers for pain relief for astronauts traveling in space. Don't know anyone who might have tried this, but it does sound interesting.
Acts with the impulse which is more powerful and longer than the nerve signal of the pain. This way, it just suppresses pain signal and pain disappears, but returns after some time.
In this technology, the acting impulse changes dynamically during action (dynamic tuning in accordance with skin impedance) shape and duration of the acting impulse are close by their characteristics to the impulse which after being distorted by skin layers, fat tissue, muscle tissues, etc., becomes similar to the nerve impulse.
With this technology the restorative function of the body is amplified directly, without amplifying the pathological signal.
Active SCENAR and Active COSMODIC
Every subsequent impulse is formed on the basis of analysis of body reaction to the previous acting impulse.

Give your doctor a report about your PLD pain

Below from the pulldown menu the first five or six articles are from various centers around the world. These explain their clinical practice and experience in dealing with PLD pain. Feel free to print an article for your doctor.

We are  sharing our experiences with PKD/PLD Diet, an adjunct diet envisioning it complementing a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Consider testing this with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it according to your own uniqueness by adding it to your current  treatment.

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