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Turmeric or Cucumin is wonderful for a cystic liver. It increases the metabolism of estrogen and estrogen by products through the liver. Estrogen and other hormones cause liver cyst growth. When I have taken this herb daily it reduced pain from my cystic liver and when I took the organic capsules three times a day for several months, it decreased my abdominal girth from an enlarged cystic liver. Eventually I needed the liver resection to stabilize my liver cyst growth. A book, Waking the Warrior Goddess, discusses turmeric's ability to diminish three (3) types of hormones. The Hawaiians call this herb, Olena. Freely use organic turmeric root to flavor dishes. Turmeric has many beneficial things for the liver. A UCLA study supports turmeric`s traditional and current uses. Written in BODY & SOUL Holistic Health 2002,
"Curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, may reduce brain-tissue inflammation that is linked to Alzheimer`s disease".


Turmeric is also renalprotective. It protects the kidneys and liver both. It was once used as a cure for jaundice as an anti-hepatotoxin, as an anti-inflammatory properties and a protector of DNA. Some have found turmeric to be very BENEFICIAL for liver cysts.


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last updated: Monday, March 31, 2014 5:14 PM