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AVOID Milk, butter, cheese, and ice cream are high in estrogen like molecules. Many commercial dairy farmers in the USA have given cows additional bovine lactating hormone to keep the cows producing 10-100 times the amount of milk that these cows would naturally produce. The milk, cheese, butter, ice cream and meat from these cows not only has estrogen like molecules from their grazing on contaminated grass but it also has artificially added true estrogen that has been given to the cows. Dairy Delicious makes a low phosphorus milk especially for kidney patients.
A program about hamburgers showed that cows brought to the holding yard weighed about 600 pounds. Within three weeks most of the cows weighed close to 900 pounds from techniques in their feed and the hormones injected into the cows to increase the fat content and tenderness of the beef. Hamburgers are ground with the fattiest parts of the cow, the chuck then added to this are all the fatty rejects.

If one has Polycystic Kidney Disease dairy would be best eliminated. Dairy is high in sodium and it has many solutes that dehydrate the body and increase the workload of the kidneys by making it difficult to filter through cystic kidneys. Dehydration is one situations that will hasten kidney failure. A perfectly healthy person when deprived of water can lose their functioning kidneys. Milk is so high in sodium that it raises my blood pressure. Others after having a bite of ice cream have noticed that they awaken in the middle with a deep thirst, some think akin to cotton mouth, is how some PKD'rs have described this feeling.

Some Better Choices to Replace Dairy
Non fat dairy has less hormones. Hormones are concentrated in the fats.
almond milk, a recipe dairy
rice milk dairy
coconut milk dairy
goat milk cow dairy
sweet cream plugra butter butter
cottage cheese cheddar cheese
buttermilk whole milk polycystic kidney disease polycystic liver diseasecontact us
last updated: Sunday, September 23, 2012 10:26 AM