
Avoid Soy harm

Feeding soy protein isolate and n-3 PUFA affects polycystic liver disease progression in a PCK rat model of autosomal polycystic kidney disease.

J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2015 Apr
Feeding a soy based diet resulted in complications of hepatic steatosis attributable to PLD liver cysts obstruction of the bile duct and the hepatic vein. To protect your liver and keep its size diminished, continue to avoid soy.

Neither soy, flax seed or fish oil show benefit for PKD.


"As PKD advances, cyst growth increases kidney volume, decreases renal function, and may lead to end-stage renal disease; however, in a PKD rat model, feeding soy protein isolate (SPI) reduced cyst proliferation and growth. The n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are noted for their anti-inflammatory actions. However in this study, soy did not attenuate disease progression or severity in the female PCK rat model of autosomal recessive PKD."


Soy (edamame) is not the health food that many believe. It is a strong estrogen disruptor equivalent to that found in clover. Both soy and clover contain the isoflavanoid Genistein (GEN) , a known estrogen disruptor. Many with PLD Polycystic Liver Disease have noticed that soy causes liver cysts to grow and expand.

Soy Products

Miso and miso soup are made from fermented soy. Soy is among the top ten allergic foods. Avoid these with PLD Polycystic Liver Disease as these are endocrine disruptors. Miso soup is made of kombu and miso.

Monsanto Soy

Monsanto genetically modified the soy bean to withstand a ton of roundup herbicide and the soy plant still remains standing. When asked by the European Union to please put this GM (genetically modified) soy aside so individuals might have a choice on which soy to eat, the USA boldly refused. Soybeans that are GM modified proliferate much more quickly than non GM soy. Soy is a potent super estrogen mimicker. When combined with another estrogen disruptor like with the weed killer, Roundup (or atrazine used on corn) is becomes a super endocrine disruptor. Monsanto soy combined with roundup, might be what is contributing to the increased estrogenic disruptive properties of soy and causing an increase in cystic liver growth from eating soy lecithin and its contamination of the ground water supply.

We are  sharing our experiences with PKD/PLD Diet, an adjunct diet envisioning it complementing a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Consider testing this with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it according to your own uniqueness by adding it to your current  treatment.

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