Making Solé

Making Solé

Step 1

Drinking solé each day is a means of assuring that our body receives all the minerals needed by the body. I too thought that drinking the extra Himalayan salt contained in Solé, would increase my blood pressure. I reduced the amount of solé taken in to mix with my water from a tablespoon to a teaspoon. This did the trick. See below: Making Solé. You will need to check your own body for yourself. I have had it reported that after a transplant, the added salt causes the body to swell.

Everyone knows that salt dissolves in water, right? Consider that if you continue to add salt to a glass of water you’ll get to a point where the water becomes super-salty or saturated with salt. Once the water becomes super-salty or saturated with salt the remaining salt will just sit on the bottom of the glass without dissolving any further. This is what happens with Himalayan Crystal Salt Solé.

Making Solé

Place 1 inch of Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt stones in a glass jar, preferably one with a lid, or begin with our pre-packed jar of Himalayan Crystal Stones (pictured here). Add 2 to 3 inches of good quality artesian or spring water above the stones, completely covering the crystals with water. Let sit overnight.

Step 2

If all the salt crystals have dissolved, add a few more salt crystals to the water. Your Himalayan Crystal Salt™ Solé is ready when the water becomes fully saturated with salt and cannot hold any more. The salt will no longer dissolve at this stage. Your finished Solé should resemble the photo at left. There should always be salt crystals in the jar. As you use up the Original Himalayan Crystal Salt™ Solé, after some time, add more water and more salt until the water is again saturated. Remember, there should remain a few salt crystals on the bottom of the jar. This is your visual proof that the water is totally saturated with salt.

Step 3

Each morning, before eating or drinking anything, add one teaspoon (I use a few drops) of the Himalayan Crystal Salt Solé to a glass of artesian or spring water and drink. Or if you prefer, prepare the glass of water the night before and drink it in the morning. Your body will receive the energetic vibration pattern of the Original Himalayan Crystal Salt™ and hold it for 24 hours. Keep the container covered to prevent the water from evaporating. Otherwise, no special storage is needed. The fully saturated Original Himalayan Crystal Salt™ Solé will keep forever! Salt is a natural anti-bacterial and natural fungicide. It simply cannot spoil or go bad.

We are  sharing our experiences with PKD/PLD Diet, an adjunct diet envisioning it complementing a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Consider testing this with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it according to your own uniqueness by adding it to your current  treatment.

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