
Avoid Potato

Potatoes are high in potassium. Not sure of the reason, but several male PKD'rs as they approach diminished kidney functioning, find themselves becoming pushed over the edge of health toward dialysis by dietary indiscretions involving eating a taste of meat and potatoes or a French Fry. Some have found that by soaking the potato in ice water this helps diminish the potassium content. However raw potatoes are known to be very alkaline and a very old old remedy for healing ulcers. Potato skins are high in manganese and said to create thicker more abundant hair. If you must eat potatoes then eat them NO more frequently than once a week and baked or roasted including eating their jackets or skins. Substitute sunchokes, turnips, rutabagas, cauliflower, chestnuts, Swedes or parsnips.

I never knew about Bud-Nip or Chlorpropham. It takes a child's experiment with an inquisitive mind to make buying organic understandable. This young girl could not understand why sweet potatoes from the supermarket would not sprout. She investigated and after purchasing organic sweet potatoes, she found the answer.

Chlorpropham is plant growth regulator and an herbicide. It is used as a sprout suppressant, called Beet-Kleen, Bud Nip, Chloro IPC, CIPC, Furloe, Sprout Nip, Spud-Nic, Taterpex, Triherbide-CIPC, and Unicrop CIPC. This has been approved for use on potatoes in addition to the USA, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland are using Bud-Nip on their root vegetables.

It has caused death in laboratory animals. Toxicity to humans, including carcinogenicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, and acute toxicity. Uses: Brown rice, apple, mandarin, Kimchi cabbage, green pepper, potato, soybean, sweet potato, beets, onions, shallots.

Potatoes are best avoided with cystic organs. All nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, tobacco, belladonna) are best avoided. The potato, in addition to being high in solanine has also been genetically engineered. Its genes have been crossed with that of another species: a bacteria's genes have been crossed with a plant's genes. This has led to some forms of the potato re-classified as pesticides. According to the potato study: "A secret feeding study of Monsanto GM potatoes, conducted in 1998 by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and suppressed for 8 years, showed that the potatoes did considerable damage to the organs of the rats in the study Ironically, the NewLeaf GM potato was a failure, and it proved to give poor yields and to be susceptible to disease in European environments. While Monsanto was enthusiastically promoting its GM potatoes in Eastern Europe, it was having second thoughts in the United States and Western Europe, and pulled out of GM potato development in 2002. The results of the 1998 GM potato rat feeding study may well have had a bearing on that decision.".

How Potatoes Received Elevated Status

Potatoes were elevated in status when the celebrated Parmentier produced a galaxy of delicious potato recipes in 1785 to help relieve famine in Paris. Potatoes were inexpensive food for the masses - a peasant or worker could be fed from a quarter as much land if they ate potatoes instead of grain. Nonetheless, the French Revolution took place 4 years later. The Paris Commune declared potatoes 'Revolutionary food' while English landlords made them compulsory on their Irish estates.

Traditionally potatoes were kept in paper sacks and sold unwashed. This practice protects potatoes from direct sunlight. The modern practice of washing potatoes and packing them in plastic bags allows light to affect the potato and stimulate the production of solanine, the nightshade alkaloid that, in nature, sickens animals that might dig up potatoes as food.

In 1976 the Department of Health, concerned about high levels of anencephaly and spina bifida, urged pregnant mothers to wear rubber gloves when preparing potatoes and to discard in their entirety any potatoes that showed signs of greening or of blight (black streaks in the potato). It is not enough to simply remove the discolored part - the entire potato should not be eaten. The solanine in potatoes is 4 times greater in the skin than in the rest of the potato. The fatal dose of solanine for an adult is 200-250 mg depending on body weight. Potatoes should not contain more than 20 mg of solanine per 100g, so it would take at least 1 Kg of potatoes (2.2 lb.) to be fatal. Although spina bifida prevention now focuses on pre-conceptual consumption of folic acid, the world's highest incidence of spina bifida is in Ireland, where the wet climate encourages late potato blight. A study in Belfast showed that mothers who had given birth to a child with spina bifida or anencephaly could reduce the risk of a similar defect in the second child by 50% if they maintained a potato-free diet.


Potato chips and French Fries: with an Omega ratio of 63, America's favorite snack foods pack a huge dose of Omega-6 fats, enough to seriously imbalance the body's essential fatty acid ratio, even when consumed in small amounts. But that is not the worst of it. Heating starches produces acrylamide - known neurotoxins and carcinogens capable of damaging DNA. The more you heat starches, the more acrylamide you end up with. Products like normal potato chips contain so much acrylamide that they exceed the World Health Organization's daily allowances 2000-3000 thousand fold.

Acrylamide is very high in potatoes that are heated to a very high temperature as in a deep fry. This is a known carcinogen in laboratory animals. It impairs fertility in male animals, and causes nerve damage to humans exposed in the workplace. It is best to avoid potatoes and all nightshades with PKD and PLD.

Acrylamide is an organic chemical recently found to occur naturally in certain food products. It has long been used for industrial purposes, in producing polyacrylamide gels, and as a grouting agent in construction. Polyacrylamide is used as a paper making aid, as a soil-conditioning agent, in ore processing, in sewage treatment, and occasionally as an additive for water treatment. Acrylamide is also a known component of cigarette smoke.

Lung Cancer, Non-Smoking

Potatoes are also on the list of high glycemic foods that were found prevalent in 2000 people from MD Anderson Cancer Center who had early non-smoking lung cancer. These individuals had never ever smoked in their lives yet they had lung cancer. The one common denominator was white rice, white potatoes, and white flour.

Eating Fried Potatoes ↑ Death Risk

We are  sharing our experiences with PKD/PLD Diet, an adjunct diet envisioning it complementing a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Consider testing this with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it according to your own uniqueness by adding it to your current  treatment.

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