
Caution Pomegranate

Interacts with Certain Medications

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center indicates that it might not be a good mix with statin medications. If you take medications that exclude consumption of grapefruit juice, you just might want to give pomegranate juice a pass, also.

Caution with PLD ↑ Phytoestrogens

With pomegranate's ↑ phytoestrogens, eating or drinking its juice, might cause an increase in liver cyst size. There has been no evidence of this to date. ↑ Vitamin K may make pomegranate useful for PLD. Oftentimes we have low platelets and low prothrombin time from pressure against the spleen from a huge cystic liver. ↑ Vitamin K can help with these symptoms.

Interferes With Blood Thinners

Caution interferes with blood thinners as it is high in Vit K. As you should do with any herbal or dietary supplement, talk to your doctor about starting pomegranate juice before drinking it regularly as a supplement. Pomegranate juice may cause dangerous side effects as it interacts with certain prescription medications, such as the blood thinners like warfarin (Coumadin) and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, including captopril (Capoten), e nalapril (Vasotec) and lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril), and others.

Useful With Kidney Cysts

For those with only kidney cysts, pomegranate has been reported to improve oxidation, help those on dialysis, lessen cardiovascular risk, lessen breast cancer risk and it is a good source of vitamin C and K. When tested in albino rats, pomegranate raised sperm counts.

Pomegranate Juice May Help Dialysis Patients

The placebo group had no significant change in levels of any of the markers, said Kristal. Patients who consumed pomegranate juice had a rate of first infection-related hospitalization of 32.5/1,000 patient-months compared with 54.9 in the placebo group (P=0.11). The difference in the rate of second infection-related hospitalization achieved statistical significance (3.1 versus 17.9/1,000 patient-months, P=0.01). First and second hospitalizations for cardiovascular causes were reduced by 36% and 44%, respectively, in patients randomized to pomegranate juice, but did not change in the placebo group.No adverse effects attributable to the pomegranate juice were observed during the study, said Kristal. However, she pointed out that pomegranates contain high concentrations of potassium, creating a potential for potassium overload in dialysis patients.

"Habitual pomegranate juice intake by patients with chronic kidney disease or on dialysis should be monitored by a dietitian and a nephrologist," said Kristal.

Good Source of Vitamin K

Eat pomegranate seeds to increase your intake of vitamin K, which provides benefits to your blood. A 1/2-cup serving of these seeds contains 14.3 mcg of vitamin K. You need 90 to 120 mcg of this vitamin each day to help your blood coagulate in a healthy manner. It may also be good for your brain -- evidence available in the June 2011 issue of "The Journal of Nutrition" points to vitamin K as a potential indicator of cognitive health as you age due to effects on rat models, so eat pomegranate seeds to keep your vitamin K intake high.

Boosts Vitamin C Intake

Vitamin C is an important nutrient for your skin, joints and immune system, and eating pomegranate seeds contributes to your daily need for this vitamin. One serving these sweet-tart seeds has 8.9 mg of vitamin C. Include 75 to 90 mg of this vitamin in your diet each day. The vitamin C in pomegranate seeds may also decrease your risk of age-related macular degeneration according to the University of Maryland Medical Center website.

Pomegranate Juice Yields Sodium Citrate

Medicinal Uses: The juice of wild pomegranates yields citric acid and sodium citrate for pharmaceutical purposes. Sodium citrate is a potent alkalizer, as potent as potassium citrate.

Chemopreventive for Breast Cancer

Fresh organic pomegranates are processed into three components: fermented juice, aqueous pericarp extract and seed oil. Pomegranate seed oil had a 90% inhibition of human cancer cells,

Favorable Effects Upon Platelets, BP, HDL Cholesterol

Berry consumption has favorable affects upon platelet functioning (useful with PLD!), upon blood pressure, and upon HDL cholesterol levels. This includes all dark berries and even grapes.

We are  sharing our experiences with PKD/PLD Diet, an adjunct diet envisioning it complementing a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Consider testing this with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it according to your own uniqueness by adding it to your current  treatment.

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