
Enjoy Lemon

Lemon water is a wonderful alkalizing beverage, pain reliever, and with the addition of some tupelo honey it can become a cough suppressant. Lemon water is useful for increasing the metabolism of estrogen through the liver, decreasing cyst formation and PLD size. I use hot water, heating the water and squeezing fresh lemon juice into it. For pain relief it maybe necessary to juice 5 lemons in a day. Recent research has found that lemons contain naringenin a compound may prevent cyst expansion.

If one can tolerate it— try a fresh lemon juiced. Dilute this to hot water to make it a quarter cup. Drink each morning. There is a berry that will make this taste sweet if sour is too hard for one to tolerate. This is called miracle berry. Chewing a portion of this berry coats the tongue and mouth with a sweet receptor sensation lasting for about a half hour.

Try to make a habit of drinking cups of hot lemon water daily or a hot lemon drink or a lemon slice in perrier water, juice, limes in pineapple juice or fresh lime on papaya.

Though lemon juice is acidic in nature, consuming lemons or lemon juice is very alkaline producing. If lemons trigger GERD symptoms or stomach reflux within your body, try melons or melon juice.

Eating citrus ↓ stroke risk in women

Now there are several reasons to consume citrus fruits. If this is possible for you, citrus may also decrease stroke risk.

Caution with Lemon Peel, High in Potassium

The USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard References states that:

Lemon peels contain a high amount of oxalates. When we have high concentrations of oxalates it can lead to problems which are associated with crystallization such as kidney or gallbladder stones. Therefore if you already suffer from these problems, avoid eating the lemon peel.

We are  sharing our experiences with PKD/PLD Diet, an adjunct diet envisioning it complementing a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Consider testing this with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it according to your own uniqueness by adding it to your current  treatment.

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