
Enjoy Super Alkaline Cabbage

Cabbage Juice Recipe

Cabbage juice has several reasons to try it:

Cabbage is a great protector of DNA; cabbage increases the metabolism of estrogen throughout the liver. The sulfurins, the smelly part of cabbage is what researchers have found useful as an antioxidant. After juicing cabbage, immediately take the pulp to the compost heap or wrap it and toss it.

Cabbage is one of the healing marbles from the earth. It is highly alkaline. The deep green outer cabbage leaves lightly steamed and mixed with kelp made into a poultice to relieve liver cystic pain. This same poultice on the nap of a neck relieves intense migraine headaches. Raw cabbage leaf when it reacts with saliva releases healing properties. Cabbage juice with almonds stimulates great pain relief from the natural endorphins of the brain, and causes a release of a substance that is pain relieving. It is the vegetable highest in the element called boron. Boron is super for maintaining bone strength. It is high in vitamin C. An added benefit for a few of us who drink daily cabbage juice with almonds is that our gray hair seems to revert back to its natural color. Much of the gray is eliminated. Cabbage contains a cancer-fighting phytochemical called indole-3-carbinol. One cup of cooked cabbage delivers 100 mg of this ingredient.

Cabbage makes a lovely addition to a garden, blooming like a giant green rose coming up from inside the earth. Even more gorgeous to behold is a purple cabbage unfolding amongst the flowers. Cabbage contains high amounts of vitamin C, mostly concentrated in the core of the plant. This Vitamin C is not destroyed in storage, by moderate cooking or in the making of a fermented low salt sauerkraut. Garlic, carrots, all from the cabbage family and some additional vegetables contain sulphuranes which expel worms and intestinal parasites. Cabbage maintains the integrity of DNA, very important for PKD'rs due to the second hit phenomenon. There are things in the environment that alter DNA and cause cells to mutate beginning the process of cyst formation.

Pesticides end product, is the residual remaining in the soil from repeated pesticides and DDT spraying. Though DDT was stopped in the United States in the 1950's what remains in the soil and rivers are the residual molecules that have become chemically changed from the original pesticide molecule. These changed molecules are then taken up by animals, which graze on the grasses or drink from the rivers. This compound is then stored in the fatty tissue of the animal. For this reason perhaps a well marbled steak might be particularly high in estrogen. Eating organically may help diminish estrogen disruptor exposure. Juice, juice, juice. This provides the body which much needed micronutrients not found in a vitamin tablet. Cabbage juice with 5-7 almonds is the one food/juice that increases the metabolism of estrogen.

If you are a vegan, cabbage contains all the essential amino acids. In addition to adding anti-oxidants, the addition of almonds to juice adds essential fatty acids facilitating the absorption of the fat soluble vitamins. Amino acids are components which make up a protein. The body is unable to manufacture essential amino acid; they must be ingested daily. Careful with cabbage juice and any cruciform vegetables such as broccoli, rutabagas, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower if you have thyroid difficulties.

Varieties of Cabbage

Red or purple cabbage generally contains more iron. Napa, Savoy, and Chinese cabbage are both sweeter than other cabbages. It is loaded with Vitamin C. Fermented cabbage is a great alternative but caution if salt is used in its preparation as salt raises blood pressure.

White Cabbage juice helps ↓ breast cancer modulation

"Since the cell lines investigated differ in invasion capacity, these results support epidemiological observations and partly explain the mechanism of the chemopreventive activity of white cabbage products."

Sprouts Better Than Fully Grown Vegetable?

In 1997 Johns Hopkins researchers made a great discovery. They found that 4 day old broccoli sprouts had 20-50 x the cancer preventing components that full grown plant had. This became known as DIMs (Diindolymethane) and sulforaphane.

We are  sharing our experiences with PKD/PLD Diet, an adjunct diet envisioning it complementing a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Consider testing this with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it according to your own uniqueness by adding it to your current  treatment.

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