
Beneficial Apples

Apples are very alkaline producing for a body that has cystic organs. Apples freshly juiced have a wonderful taste. Take care to omit seeds, these are high in arsenic. Choose sweet apples like golden delicious, fuji, or gala for juicing. Pippins are great for apple pie, but a bit tart to eat fresh. I noticed when my electrolytes were really off, I craved sour fruits like Granny Smith apples, sour lemons, and young raw grapefruit. Included in the pulldown menu of articles are a few apple recipes: one for freshly pressed apple juice, a natural lemon aide.

There can be antibiotics in your organic apples and pears

Since the early days of the National Organic Program (NOP) -- a destructive bacterial disease known as fire blight tends to harm many apple and pear varieties, making their trees appear as though they have been burned by fire. If left to run its natural course without effective intervention, fire blight can kill blossoms, shoots, limbs, and sometimes entire trees, making it difficult to effectively grow certain fruits for commercial distribution.

Organic apples and pears grown in the U.S. for the European Union (EU) market are already effectively grown without the use of either streptomycin and tetracycline -- EU provisions do not allow the use of any antibiotics in agriculture -- which means there is no valid reason why these same fruits cannot be grown without the two antibiotics for the American market as well.

In 2011, the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) informed organic apple and pear growers that antibiotics would no longer be allowed after October 21, 2014.

GMO Apples That Don't Turn Brown

Big news in the apple world: The federal government has approved the planting of genetically modified apples that won't turn brown when sliced. These apples, branded the Arctic Apple, could appear on store shelves in just a few years. These apples will not be labeled GMO.

Apple a day lowers uric acid

Malic acid in apple neutralizes uric acid providing some relief to elevations in uric acid. Consuming an apple a day could lower uric acid levels. So could drinking lime juice as it neutralizes uric acid. Lime juice has the added benefit of naringenin thought to decrease cyst growth.

Apple Pie and Apple Strudel Are To Be Avoided

Apple pie and apple strudel contains wheat, butter or lard, concentrated sugars all detrimental to PKD. If one can bake a dessert devoid of concentrated sugars, wheat, and butter perhaps this apple dessert might be beneficial. One such recipe was given to me by a Seventh Day Adventist. These are vegetarian by nature. She used concentrated frozen apple juice to sweeten the pie and made the crust using spelt flour without using butter or lard.

Arsenic in Commercial Apple Juice

First used on apple orchards in 1890, lead arsenate was used to combat the codling moth. It was later replaced with DDT. That has been further replaced with other pesticides. The recommendation has been to dilute commercial juices and to vary the types of juice. The FDA said that inorganic compounds are harmful whereas organic arsenic is essentially harmless. Perhaps juicing organic apples would be preferable in making your own juice? In this way we are assured that no pesticides are used on the apple orchards. If one prefers juicing granny smith apples, these have less arsenic than others or one can purchase organic.

Phytochemicals Phytoestrogens

Apples are a rich source of various phytochemicals including flavonoids (e.g., catechins, flavanols, and quercetin) and other phenolic compounds (e.g., epicatechin and procyanidins)[69] found in the skin, core, and pulp of the apple;[69] they have unknown health value in humans. Do not consumme too many apples in a day. The seeds contain arsenic and the phytochemicals are concentrated in the peel,

We are  sharing our experiences with PKD/PLD Diet, an adjunct diet envisioning it complementing a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Consider testing this with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it according to your own uniqueness by adding it to your current  treatment.

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