Colchicine ↑ Alkalinity

FDA has banned unapproved colchicine.

Colchicine Had Been Used Treat Gout

Colchicine Possible Treatment for ADPKD

"Colchicine, originally extracted from Colchicum autunale, is an anti-inflammatory drug that has been in continuous use for more than 3000 years. It has been used successfully to prevent attacks of familial Mediterranean fever and amyloidosis, to treat gout and pseudogout attacks for a few decades. Colchicine principally is a microtubule inhibitor, thus prevents cell migration, division, and polarization. It also has anti-apoptotic, anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory effects and down-regulates (TNF-alpha) receptors. As can easily be seen, many of the effects of colchicine have pathophysiologic counterparts in ADPKD. Thus, we hypothesized that colchicine would be beneficial to prevent or at least delay cyst formation in ADPKD patients. Indirect evidence also support our hypothesis, in which taxol and paclitaxel, other two microtubule inhibitors, were shown to delay cyst formation in experimental models of ADPKD. To our opinion, despite its narrow therapeutic index, widespread experience makes colchicine a suitable candidate for prolonged clinical use, should experimental studies show any benefit in ADPKD."

Meadow saffron or autumn crocus, perennial garden ornamental (Colchicum autumnale) of the family Liliaceae (lily family). Native to Europe and N Africa, it has escaped from gardens to meadows and fields in some parts of the United States. Its poisonous corms and seeds were the source of the drug colchicine. The purplish flowers, which bloom in the fall when the leaves are gone, resemble those of true crocus and true saffron (of the iris family) but these have six stamens instead of three. Other species of Colchicum are also popular garden plants.

Colchicine Induces Alkaline Phosphatase in Rat Hepatocytes

Colchicine arrests cell division in animals and plants. It has adversely affected spermatogenesis in humans and in some animal species under certain conditions.

If Colchicine is Prescribed for Treatment of Gout

If colchicine is prescribed for the treatment of your gout, question your doctor if any symptoms you are having maybe occurring from colchicine.

Autumn Crocus Poisonous

Following plant ingestion, initial gastrointestinal symptoms can occur during the first 24 hours, these can be followed by more severe effects including convulsions, cardiovascular collapse, multi-organ failure and blood clots. New symptoms may occur after several days. Muscular weakness and ascending paralysis can cause respiratory arrest. These effects have been described as very similar to the disease cholera which can lead to a slow, agonizing death but consciousness remains present. Accidental plant ingestion has occurred by mistaking it for wild garlic.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has ordered companies to stop marketing unapproved drug products that contain colchicine in an injectable dosage form. Colchicine has been prescribed for the treatment of acute gout attacks but the FDA says the therapeutic index of the substance is so small that a dangerous overdose can easily occur.


Allopurinol is a well tolerated, inexpensive, and commonly used uric acid lowering agent. It can be used in many situations. It is a

xanthine oxidase inhibitor
prevents production of uric acid
useful in both patients with ↑synthesis or ↑ clearance of uric acid
can be used in renal failure
rarely associated with bone marrow suppression, hepatotoxicity, hypersensitivity reactions

We are  sharing our experiences with PKD/PLD Diet, an adjunct diet envisioning it complementing a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Consider testing this with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it according to your own uniqueness by adding it to your current  treatment.

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