Lemon thyme

Enjoy lemon thyme

Thymus citridorus promotes relaxation and eases coughing. Thymus Citriodurus contains thymol scientifically has been found to have antiseptic, anti-fungal characteristics; flavonoids phenolic antioxidants like zea-xanthin, lutein, pigenin, naringenin,(helpful in decreasing cysts), luteolin, and thymonin; potassium, iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, selenium; B-complex, beta carotene, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin E, vitamin C, folic acid; relieves muscle spasms, helps the immune system, eases digestion, coughing, asthma, promotes relaxation, cleanses the organs. According to Hildegard von Bingen, "He who drinks a cup of thyme tea instead of coffee in the morning will soon feel the beneficial effect."

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