Green Juice

Enjoy Green Juice from Leafy Greens

Phytates Cereal Juices

Cereal grass juice when grown to the first jointing stage, (almost like sprouts) contains no phytates or phytic acid. An ounce of juice is beneficial for the body. It is taken in through the liver and here absorbed and distributed throughout the body.

Growing your own wheatgrass is a book with some important tips. I disagree with the author on points he makes about wheatgrass juice, countering the argument for consuming wheatgrass (the other side of the story). See what you think. I find wheatgrass, cereal grass juice to be beneficial for the body. It is taken in first by the liver and is molecularly similar to the heme molecule. I think alfalfa can cause arthritis like symptoms and algae can activate PLD.

Chlorophyll in Green Juices

Many potent food alkalizers are filled with chlorophyll: cereal grass juice, kale juice, leafy greens juice. Continue to avoid chlorella, green algae and other scums. These may be harmful to PLD. Chlorophyll is said to have a similar structure to that of blood hemoglobin. The chlorophyll molecule and the hemoglobin molecule are almost identical in shape. At their center hemoglobin has iron whereas chlorophyll has magnesium. This similarity was first suggested in 1855 by Verdel. Consuming chlorophyll allows one to capture sunlight as energy according to one recent theory. Can insects do it?

A researcher in Ulm, Germany, Andrei Sommer, has written a research article about light, Burst of light speeds up healing by turbocharging our cells.
"The light causes mitochondria, the cell's powerhouses, to produce more ATP, a compound that provides the cells' energy."

This is all taken in with Dr. Grantham's discovery, that the fluid inside a cyst is filled with the same or a very similar chemical as the plant forskolin, coleus. We with PKD/PLD may have inherited by DNA gone awry, plant liquid that may help us heal. To date only

Leafy Greens

Eating leafy greens helps maintain the integrity of DNA. Leafy greens juiced is a helpful way to obtain chlorophyll daily.

Grains A Source of Inflammation?

A few have noticed bloating from all grains. Following my liver resection I was unable to eat any grain that had been ground into a flour, even freshly ground by me. If that flour was made into a bread, flat bread or a cracker, I noticed pain emanating from my liver. This did not occur if the whole grains were soaked and made into a cereal.

For this reason some have chosen to try avoiding all grains. Inflammation of cystic organs is present. One researcher has said if the cause of this inflammation can be found, perhaps this discovery could lead to a cure for PKD.

We are  sharing our experiences with PKD/PLD Diet, an adjunct diet envisioning it complementing a physician's prescribed medical therapy. Consider testing this with your doctor's prior knowledge, who can  adjust it according to your own uniqueness by adding it to your current  treatment.

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